  • 學位論文


The difference of energy expenditure after long term resistance exercise and jogging

指導教授 : 謝伸裕


長期規律運動是改善身體組成的有效方法之一,但要比較不同類型運動之效益,運動強度的設定是關鍵。阻力運動都以最大肌力或反覆次數來訂定,而有氧運動則以最大攝氧量、心跳率為主。如能以運動時能量消耗為判定標準,將便於進行比較。目的:探討阻力運動與慢跑在相似的能量消耗下,為期8週訓練對能量消耗與身體組成之差異。方法:招募過往有從事阻力運動或慢跑經驗者各10名進行分組;依阻力訓練組運動時的能量消耗來安排相似運動量於慢跑組,藉以比較訓練後的能量消耗及身體組成之變化。結果:8週後的能量消耗,阻力訓練組(59.9 ± 4.3 kcal)與慢跑組(65.2 ± 4.8 kcal)無顯著差異(ρ > .05);雖兩組間身體組成無顯著差異(ρ > .05),但兩組內的體重皆達顯著下降(ρ < .05)。結論:在相似的能量消耗下進行不同的運動訓練,並不會影響能量消耗與身體組成。


Long term regular exercise is one of efficient way to improved body composition. In order to compare the benefits of different kind exercises, the exercise intensity is the most important variable. Resistance exercise often used maximum strength or repetitions and the aerobic exercise used maximum oxygen consumption and heart rate. However, if the energy expenditure of difference exercises can be equated, the comparison will be more meaningful. Purpose: To compare the difference in energy expenditure and body composition between resistance exercise and jogging with similar exercise energy expenditure. Methods: Participants were experienced resistance exercisers (RTG, n=10) and joggers (JOG, n=10). Using RTG’s exercise energy expenditure to equate a similar running energy expenditure for the JOG. The energy expenditure of the same work and body composition were compared after 8 weeks of training. Results: There was no significant difference (ρ > .05) in energy expenditure for RTG (59.9 ± 4.3 kcal) and JOG (65.2 ± 4.8 kcal). Although body composition was not significantly by different (ρ > .05) between the two groups, body weight decreased significantly in each group (ρ < .05). Conclusions: After different exercise training in a similar energy expenditure, the energy expenditure and body composition were not affected.


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