  • 學位論文

使用台北市政府公開資料平台 建構HTML5標準行動裝置網頁服務

Building a HTML5-standard mobile Web Application using OpenData@Taipei

指導教授 : 葉耀明


在資訊爆發的現在,智慧型手機發展速度遠超過數年前的情況,而平板裝置的戰場也隨之展開廝殺,行動裝置的軟體開發成為業界當中最火紅的趨勢之一,不論是遊戲、資訊提供、產品推銷或是應用加值方面,無不利用軟體作為延伸的方式,提供使用者另一種體驗。 開發行動應用服務,以目前的環境而言,就有如Android、iOS、Windows Phone等數家作業系統可以選擇,但由於環境原生語言的支援各異,使得開發者必須在同一套軟體上,針對不同的系統同時維護多個版本的開發,除了徒增開發及維護成本以外,也必須因應各系統自身的改版,隨時修正軟體內的功能。 本研究利用目前正逐漸成形的HTML5標準,撰寫適用於行動裝置平台上的網路應用程式,由於遵循同一套標準,能大幅減少開發上的成本;而除了善用手持裝置的行動定位優勢外,也整合了Google Maps的地圖平台,實作使用者多人定位等功能,呈現出多彩的地理資訊應用,並利用目前能見度逐漸增加的node.js技術,以JavaScript語言統整伺服器端與使用者端的開發環境,提升開發應用服務的效率。 而台北市政府於2011年開放了公開資料平台的服務,這是政府便民的一種趨勢,本研究也利用此資料平台,強化地理資訊服務的附加功能,透過即時資訊服務的更新,再配合使用者角色的情境變化,獲得適用於各種使用者的生活資訊。


In the era of information explosion, the development of Smartphone has far more than past few years. Software develop of smartphone become the most popular trend now. In order to provide another user experiment, software is normally developed at Game, Information provide, Business sales and Add-In Application. Now, if you try to develop a mobile application service, there are so many operation systems to choice, such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and etc. However, because develop languages of each environment are different, developers must maintain various versions for single software. This causes the cost increment of develop and maintain. With the system patch, developers must test and debug functions of software immediately. This search uses HTML5 standard to design a web application for mobile devices. Because the HTML5 standard is unique, so it can decrease the cost of develop for multiple devices. In addition to use the advantage of location detection for mobile devices, it integrates Google Maps platform to implement multi-user geolocation and so on. It also uses the new javascript technology – node.js – to integrate the development environment of server side and client side. Taipei government releases the OpenData@Taipei at 2011. This kind of services will be the trend for the future. The search also uses OpenData@Taipei to enhance the information and functions of Location-base service. We use the real-time information updates, and context-aware of user roles to get kinds of life information for each user.


HTML5 node.js Location-based Service Open Data Context-Aware


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