  • 學位論文


Influences of Online Reading on Reading Comprehension of Six Graders at a Geographically Disadvantaged School

指導教授 : 邱貴發


本研究探討線上閱讀對於偏遠地區六年級學生閱讀理解的影響,以Moodle系統架設線上閱讀網站,以新北市甲國民小學六年級學童共11人為對象,進行一個月共20篇文章的線上閱讀以及線上測驗活動,其中記敘文體10篇,說明文10篇,每篇有8題測驗題。本研究文本內容以PIRLS閱讀測驗範例文章、新北市國小教師國語文領域研習教材以及研究者自編文本為主,並將測驗題目依PIRLS閱讀理解歷程分為四類:「直接提取」歷程、「推論分析」歷程、「詮釋整合」歷程和「比較評估」歷程,分析學生在「性別」、「家庭背景」和「國語文基本能力」變項下在記敘文體和說明文體的閱讀理解能力之變化,並評估在偏遠地區以線上閱讀網站的方式推動閱讀教育之可行性。 本研究結果顯示如下: 一、學生在說明文的閱讀理解能力表現優於記敘文 二、女生在記敘文和說明文閱讀理解能力表現皆優於男生。 三、弱勢家庭背景之學生的閱讀理解能力有顯著提升。 四、低分組在記敘文體及說明文體之閱讀理解能力提升皆優於高分組。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of online reading on geographically disadvantaged six graders’ reading comprehension. The researcher built an online reading website on the course management system, Moodle. The subjects were 11 six graders from an elementary school, New Taipei City. During the one month period, the subjects participated in the online reading activities by reading articles, including 10 narratives and 10 essays, and responding to 8 multiple choice items for each article. The majority of the reading content was the sample articles from PIRLS reading assessment, the materials from New Taipei City elementary school teachers’ professional development in literacy and reading, and the content created by the researcher. Additionally, the multiple choice items were categorized based on the four types of PIRLS’s comprehension processes, which are (1)focus on and retrieve explicitly stated information, (2)make straightforward inferences, (3)interpret and integrate ideas and information, and (4)examine and evaluate content, language, and textual elements. The researcher analyzed the relationships between the subjects’ reading comprehension and the following factors: genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, and students’ Chinese language competencies. The results were summarized below. 1. Students showed better comprehension in narratives than in essays 2. Girls performed better comprehension than boys in both narratives and essays 3. Students with low socioeconomic backgrounds showed a significant improvement in reading comprehension 4. Students from the low Chinese language competency group showed more improvement than students from the high Chinese language competency group Based on the findings, the feasibility of implementing online reading in geographically disadvantaged schools for enhancing students’ reading comprehension was discussed.


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