  • 學位論文


Research on professional growth of teachers participating in learning organization -- based on an elementary school located in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張德永


近年來「學習型組織」從企業管理深入到教育單位,教師藉由學習型組織提昇專業,亦是教育改革之必要趨勢。本研究以臺北市某國小網博教師團隊為對象,旨在探討教師參與學習型組織之團隊學習發展歷程中,團體動力的影響因素,進而瞭解參與教師的專業成長與收穫,並探討該團隊之困境與展望。 研究目的有四:其一為瞭解教師學習型組織的組織發展歷程;其二為瞭解教師學習型組織的團體動力因素;其三為探究學習型組織對教師專業成長之影響;其四為探討教師參與學習型組織團隊學習的困境與展望。 本研究透過文獻分析、文件分析與深度訪談等方法整理出研究結果與發現:一、網博教師團隊之發展,是由成員自發性組成,透過真誠對話與責任分享,以共同完成團隊任務。二、網博教師團隊成員之組合,兼具能力專長異質化與人格特質同質化。三、網博教師團隊之信念與共識,形塑於彈性開放與真誠包容之有效互動。四、網博教師團隊之動力,源自於學生學習成效之提升與教師專業成長之需求。五、促進教師實踐知識的分享與創新,利於解決教學現場實務問題。六、減少教師間孤立與隔閡,提昇教師對教學的熱情與教育的關心。七、透過團隊互動,展現每個成員的豐富與無限可能。八、激發教師進行自我反思,促發心靈轉變與成長。九、網博教師團隊兼具「自由型」與「運作型」的團體型態。十、團隊困境在傳承與資源運用有待解決,並期待團隊持續發展。 綜觀本研究中之教師團隊在教師專業成長上,不但達到團隊學習之學習模式,更締造了共同願景,成為與時俱進的學習團體,至於「團體型態」影響教師學習型組織與專業成長,則值得後續研究。


In recent years, the concept of learning organization has been extended from corporate management to educational organization, and the application of the concept - improving professional expertise for teachers through learning organization, has become an important trend that policy makers need to consider for education reform. This study recruited participating teachers of the Taiwan Schools Cyberfair (an elementary school in the Taipei City) as the subjects. The aims are to discuss the influencing factors of group dynamics in the development process of team learning; analyze professional growth and gains that participating teachers can expect from this process; and detail the challenges and prospects of that team. The purposes of this student are fourfold: 1) to review the development process of teacher learning organization; 2) to analyze factors influencing group dynamics in teacher learning organization; 3) to uncover the influences that learning organization has on professional growth for teachers; and 4) to discuss challenges and prospects teachers can expect when they participate in groups adopting learning organization. Through literature review, document analysis and in-depth interview, this study concluded: 1) the growth of Taiwan Schools Cyberfair is achieved through spontaneous efforts by team members adopting the approaches of sincere conversations and responsibility sharing to accomplish group tasks; 2) Taiwan Schools Cyberfair consists of members with heterogeneous competency and expertise and homogeneous personality traits; 3) the faith and consensus of members in the Taiwan Schools Cyberfair team are shaped by effective interactions distinguished by their flexibility, openness and sincere tolerance; 4) the group dynamics is sourced from the needs of improving learning effectiveness for students and professional growth for teachers; 5) encouraging knowledge sharing and innovation among team members is the key to resolving onsite and practical teaching issues; 6) the passion of teachers and level of their concern for education can be enhanced through resolving isolation and barriers among teachers; 7) unlimited potential and abundance of each team member can be stimulated through team interactions; 8) spiritual transformation and growth can be realized through encouraging teachers to conduct self-reflection; 9) Taiwan Schools Cyberfair consists of both “free-balance teams” and “operational teams”; and 10) group challenges in terms of heritage and resource allocations need to be addressed and resolved for the teams to continuously grow. In terms of professional growth of teachers, the teacher teams reviewed in this study have not only adopted team learning, but created a common vision to become an evolving learning group. As for how “group types” influence learning organization for teachers and their professional growth, it is a topic worth future study.




