  • 學位論文


How the educators in Taipei county elementary and secondary schools develop effectively perceived learning environments for their students

指導教授 : 柯正峰博士


本研究旨在瞭解台北縣立國民中小學營造學習型學校之現況,採用文獻分析及自編「台北縣立國民中小學營造學習型學校調查問卷」為研究工具,調查645位教師,經統計各變項層面之平均數、標準差及百分比,並採用因素分析、信度分析、描述統計、t考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析與單變項變異數分析、薛費事後多重比較法等統計方法分析資料,獲致下列主要結論: 一、營造學習型學校背景脈絡方面 (一)學習型學校的「學習」不是被動的適應,而是積極的創造 (二)學習型組織可適用於不同類型學校。 (三)小學在營造學習型學校較國中為佳。 (四)國中、國小的校園生態不同將影響其組織學習條件。 (五)校長的信念與能力為學習型學校推動的關鍵因素。 二、營造學習型學校調查結論方面 (一)台北縣國民中小學營造學習型學校情況良好,學習型組織之策 略引入學校有其必要與功能,不論偏遠或一般地區。 (二)絕大多數台北縣國民中小學教師對於營造學習型學校之知覺情 況良好。 (三)台北縣國民中小學教師不同個人背景變項對營造學習型學校的 現況上,在年齡、任教年資、最高學歷、現任職務均具有明顯 的差異。 (四)台北縣不同學校環境變項之國民中小學教師在營造學習型學校 的現況以學校別與學校規模具有明顯差異,以國小35班以下之 學校在營造學習型學校之成效上較佳。 三、建議 · 對教育行政機關的建議 (一)打破學校科層體制組織結構,落實學校本位管理。 (二)合理調整學校班級規模大小,貫徹小班小校政策。 (三)定期舉辦有關營造學習型組織專業之教育訓練與研習活動,增 進學校人員對營造學習型組織,提高學校效能的了解與運用能 力。 · 對學校單位的建議 (一)安排調整教師兼任行政職務,增加教師擔任行政工作的機會。 (二)校長應以專業代替威權式領導,對學校成員充分授權,營造 民主參與的校園文化與氣氛,在互相尊重的前提下,彼此地位 平等,成員自由地交換意見,以建立學習型組織學習成長的伙 伴關係。 (三)加強系統思考訓練,以落實學校整體組織學習效能。 (四)建立學習社區為學校發展的目標。 · 對教師的建議 (一)教師們應培養與人合作的團隊學習精神,接納他人意見的雅 量,摒除自身的成見,與教室外的世界建立互動關係,以提昇 教學、班級經營及學校效能。 (二)教師應多參與校務經營工作,並籌組成長學習組織,增進自我 專業知能,培養終身學習的習慣。


Summary The main purpose of this study was to figure out the current situation how the educators in Taipei county elementary and secondary schools develop effectively perceived learning environments for their students. Basing on the result of this research, conclusion and suggestions will be submitted. The major instrument, a questionnaire “how the educators in Taipei county elementary and secondary schools develop effectively perceived learning environments for their students” was designed to achieve above-mentioned purpose to gather related data and information. The researcher intends to restrict the targets within the range of present principals, directors, group leaders, and subject teachers. After the data have been carefully studied by using statistical methods of factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, t test, variance analysis, hierarchical comparison etc. The main discoveries are as follows: 1) Background introduction: · Learning in a perceived learning school is to be created actively, not to be adjusted passively. · The organization of a perceived learning school can be used in different types of schools. · The pre-determined differences in developing a perceived learning school exist between elementary and secondary schools. · The different ecology between elementary and secondary schools contributes to make differences in the conditions of developing a perceived learning school. · Principals’ beliefs and ability are the main factors to develop effectively a perceived learning school. 2) Conclusion: · The effect of Taipei county elementary and secondary schools’ developing a perceived learning school is good. · The Different age, seniority, degree, and position contribute to make significant differences in the effects of developing perceived learning schools. · Different types and sizes of schools also contribute to make significant differences in the effects of developing perceived learning schools. The effect of the school size under 35 classes is better. Suggestions 1) To administrative authority: 1. Break the rigid hierarchical structure to implement school-based management. 2. Implement the policy of reducing class size to develop a school of learning organization. 3. Conduct educational training regularly to improve effect. 2) To schools: 1. Adopt work the round system of school administrative mission to build shared vision. 2. The leadership should replace profession into authority in order to create a democratic participating environment with a mutual respect school culture. 3. Strengthen the training of thinking systematically in order to increase the learning effect in schools. 4. Build a learning community as goal of schools’ development. 3) To elementary and secondary educators: 1. Cultivate a team-working spirit: To accommodate different opinions, to build a mutual relationship with outside world, and to promote the efficiency of teaching and classroom management. 2. Cultivate a lifetime self-study spirit: To participate actively administrative missions, to establish learning growing up organization, and to enhance professional knowledge.




張明輝,魏惠娟(民89)。學習型學校願景發展之研究(國科會專題研究計畫成果報告計畫編號:NSC89-2420-H-003- 002- F19)。
魏惠娟(民89)。終生學習趨勢對於班級經營的啟示。課程與教學,3(2), 頁47-61。


