  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 潘裕豐


本研究在探討框架效應中的正面框架與負面框架對企業員工創新企劃案的傾向影響,就實驗問卷結果得知框架效應對企劃接受傾向存在著影響性。本研究藉由研究一驗證在不同情境類型、屬性框架底下,企業員工對傳統企劃案與創新企劃案的選擇傾向;研究二驗證在不同目標框架與屬性框架下,企業員工對創新企劃案接受度的順序。藉此了解正面框架、負面框架對企劃案接受傾向的影響。研究一與研究二皆採實驗取向的研究方式進行,實驗模擬情境並仿照Tversky與Kahneman 於1981年所做的實驗模擬情境,以確保本研究實驗的信度與效度。 研究一的實驗結果顯示框架效應對企業員工創新企劃案的傾向影響如下: 一.屬性框架的正面語詞會讓企業員工從傳統企劃案與創新企劃案兩者的比較中,較傾向選擇傳統企劃案。 二.屬性框架的負面語詞會讓企業員工從傳統企劃案與創新企劃案兩者的比較中,較傾向選擇創新企劃案。 研究二的實驗結果顯示框架效應對企業員工創新企劃案的傾向影響如右:在目標框架與屬性框架的交叉呈現下,企業員工對創新企劃案接受度的順序為「正面目標表述+正面屬性語詞」>「負面目標表述+正面屬性語詞」>「正面目標表述+負面屬性語詞」>「負面目標表述+負面屬性語詞」 本研究最終亦將這些研究究結果提出建議,以供業界在提企劃案的過程中能有所參考與運用。


框架效應 創新


he purpose of this research is to explore the impact of positive frame and negative frame on the tendency towards acceptance of innovative proposals within the enterprise, and based on the result of experiment questionnaire, the framing effects do exhibit the influence. In order to find out the different impact by positive frame and by negative frame, this research is composed of two studies: Study 1: Test and verify, under various situations and attribute framing, the tendency towards accepting conventional vs. innovative proposals within the enterprise; and Study 2: Test and verify, under various goal framing and attribute framing, the sequence of accepting innovative proposals within the enterprise. Both Study 1 and Study 2 are conducted by experiment-oriented approach, and experiment simulations follow the simulations model of Tversky and Kahneman (1981) to assure the reliability and validity of this research. The experiment of Study 1 shows the following results:  The positive wordings of attribute framing will make enterprise staff tend to choose conventional proposals over innovative proposals.  The negative wordings of attribute framing will make enterprise staff tend to choose innovative proposals over conventional proposals. The experiment of Study 2 shows that, under the crossing of goal framing and attribute framing, the sequence of accepting innovative proposals within the enterprise is as follows: “positive goal expressions + positive wordings”, “negative goal expressions + positive wordings”, “positive goal expressions + negative wordings”, and “negative goal expressions + negative wordings”. This research eventually provides recommendations to enterprises for reference and application in the process of tendering proposals.


Framing Effects Innovative


伍家德(1990)。 企業技術政策與新產品發展績效相關之研究。國立政治
黃雯蓉(2001)。組織特性與工作特性對員工創造力的影響 --以行銷相關工作為例。國立成功大學企業管理碩士論文,未出版,台南市。
