  • 學位論文


Gloss Types, Time-on-task, and Their Effects on Word Recognition: A Study of Taiwanese Junior High School Learners of English

指導教授 : 吳美貞


本研究目的在探討國中學生在閱讀情境中,輔以單一註解或多重註解後,對於英語單字字彙之辨識學習成效以及對於多重註解的感知;另外也提出對於不同註解可能所需不同操作時間的實驗方法作檢定;希望能透過合理的實驗時間設定,進一步了解學生在閱讀情境中,何種註解方式能帶給學生最大的單字辨識學習效益。本研究提出三個研究問題:(一)對於國中學生,何種註解方式在單字辨識學習上有較大的助益?(二)在多重註解的實驗設計中,施測時間長度是否會影響單字的學習效果?(三)國中學生對於多重註解的感知為何?本研究以北台灣某國中三個班級共96位九年級學生為實驗對象,將此三個班級分為單一註解、多重註解、及延長時間多重註解共三個組別。所有學生均參與字彙前測,在確定學生都不會目標單字後,閱讀測驗活動開始實施;三個組別均閱讀相同文章及回答相同理解問題,不同組別接受不同類型的單字註解,而延長時間組別則可多獲得3分鐘的閱讀活動時間,閱讀活動進行完後即接受立即後測;實驗結束的二個星期後,則接受延宕後測。多重註解組及延長時間多重註解組的學生需另填一份問卷;最後再視學生的回答能力,從這兩組中各挑出5名學生作為焦點訪談團體,以進一步了解國中學生對於多重註解的感知。 量化資料顯示,在相同的閱讀時間下,多重註解不見得會比單一註解產生較多的字彙辨識學習效益;但若給予多重註解組足夠的閱讀時間,學生多能善用時間在推論過程,進而使多重註解組明顯地產生較高的字彙辨識學習效益;本實驗結果符合了Hulstijn 和Laufer提出的專注量假說(Involvement Load Hypothesis),亦即能引發較高專注量的學習活動通常能產生較高的字彙學習量;而引發較高專注量的學習活動通常也需花費較多的時間。另外,由質化資料分析得知,約有七成的研究對象,對於在國中階段使用多重註解於閱讀練習中抱持正面或不排斥的態度;深入分析訪談後,多重註解組的學生們認為在閱讀中使用多重註解 (1)能使字意推測變得較容易;(2)能強化學生對於單字的印象;(3)是能引起學習動機且具有挑戰性的。 最後,針對本研究結果,作者認為融合多重註解進入國中生的閱讀練習中在字彙認識上有一定的幫助,但仍需就課程實施者的目的、時間與實施情境來考量,因此提出幾項建議作為國中教學實務及未來研究上的參考。


The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of two gloss types (single-translation gloss and multiple-choice gloss) on word recognition. The factor “time-on-task” (experiment time) was of concern because multiple-choice glosses, which involve more mental effort, were supposed to be more time consuming. Since multiple-choice glosses were new to the junior high participants, their perceptions towards multiple-choice glosses were also investigated. By manipulating different time-on-task and gloss types, the current study attempted to find out whether multiple-choice glosses generate better effects on word recognition in junior high learners. Three research questions were proposed: (a) Does multiple-choice glosses (MCG) generate better effects on word recognition than single-translation glosses (STG)? (b) Does the factor ‘time-on-task’ have any effects on multiple-choice glossed groups in terms of word recognition? (c) What are the perceptions towards MCG of the learners from the MCG and MCG-E groups? 96 ninth-graders from three intact classes in a junior high school in northern Taiwan participated in the research. They were distributed into three groups: single-translation group (STG), multiple-choice group (MCG), and multiple-choice group with extended time (MCG-E). All three groups received the same reading material and vocabulary pre-test, but with different gloss types or time-on-task. An unexpected immediate posttest and a two-week delayed posttest were administrated to collect data. An independent sample t-test was conducted to obtain the quantitative results. Participants in the MCG and MCG-E groups accomplished a survey about their experiences and perceptions towards multiple-choice glosses. In-depth focus-group interviews were conducted to have a further understanding of their perceptions. The findings suggest that adopting multiple-choice glosses in reading is indeed more time-consuming but has better effects on word recognition. That is, teachers might consider giving junior high learners more time to process multiple-choice glosses in reading, and the ‘time investment’ will turn into a fertile learning effect. The qualitative data reveal that most of the participants showed positive attitude towards incorporating multiple-choice glosses in their reading exercises. Their reasons for liking the multiple-choice gloss includes: (a) it makes the inferencing more accessible (b) it serves as reinforcement, reinforcing the lexical learning and retention; and (c) it is a challenging and motivating task for junior high learners. Some pedagogical implications were proposed for instructors and learners.


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