  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Physical Science Achievement of Taiwan Eighth Grade Students in TMISS-1999

指導教授 : 洪志明


摘 要 本研究目的是分析了解我國國二學生在TIMSS-1999中理化學習成就。 由於TIMSS-1999進行試測和實測的學生是使用不同版本的理化教材,此兩種不同的理化教材內容有很大的差異。而且TIMSS-1999在台灣進行施測的樣本數龐大,同時又收集關於學生、老師、學校的一些問卷調查資料,所得的結果資料豐富且具有可靠的代表性。本研究利用這些寶貴的資料,進行下列的分析研究: 一、我國國二學生在使用此兩種教材不同的情況下,其理化學習成就的差異、答對率低於國際平均的題目之分析、學生的錯誤概念(有無改變),以及學生在非選擇題的答題類型,再對照TIMSS-1999所公佈的科學認知指標,比較兩年的學生在科學認知上的的基本學力有何不同。 二、我國國二學生的性別和學生的學習成就、喜好科學的程度等的相關性。 透過以上的的分析研究後,獲致五項結論擇要如下: 一、使用理化新教材的學生學習成就較好。 二、我國國二學生理化的推論分析能力較差。 三、我國國二學生常犯的理化錯誤概念,其再現性很高。 四、多數的學生會受理化教材內容影響其作答。 五、國二男生喜歡科學的程度顯著高於女生。 關鍵字:TIMSS-1999、理化、理化學習成就


The Analysis of Physical Science Achievement of Taiwan Eighth Grade Students in TMISS-1999 Chia-Jung Liu Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze and realize Taiwan eighth grade students’ physical science achievement in TMISS-1999. As a result of the students on field test and main survey use different physical science textbooks. There are many discrepancies between the two different editions. In addition, based on the large number of TIMISS-1999 samples conducted in Taiwan, and on some questionnaires concerning students, teachers and schools, the result is fairly credible and representable. Therefore, this research makes use of these precious data to study and investigate the followings: (1) First, to study whether the two editions have obviously different influence on physical science achievement of the eighth grade students. Second, to compare the eccentric questions whose accuracy percentage is below the international average. Third, to study whether changes occur in students’ misconception or not. Fourth, to study whether there are unexpected answer code of students’ answers in multiple-choice section. After separately studying the four aspects of the results of the two examinations, the results will be compared with science cognitive domains published by TIMISS. Consequently, comparison will be made between the two groups of examinees. (2) To study the relevance of gender, students’ achievement (in physical science) and the science-loving degree among students in Taiwan. Five results are achieved. 1. The students using the new text books have better academic achievements. 2. The eighth grade students in Taiwan have bad Reasoning and analysis ability. 3. The misconceptions about physical science have high reemergence among the eighth grade students. 4. The majority of the students in Taiwan are influenced by physical science textbooks. 5. The eighth grade male students like science more than female students do. Key Words:TIMISS-1999, physical science, physical science achievement.


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