  • 學位論文


A Study on Curriculum and Power Exercise:Taking the Revision of the Senior High School History Curriculum Guidelines as an Example

指導教授 : 張建成 甄曉蘭


中文摘要 本研究之目的在於探究權力與知識相關論述,了解知識選擇與權力運作的關係,及其產生的導因、方式與結果。接著,分析高中歷史科課程綱要修訂所隱藏的權力運作,以了解台灣歷史教育發展的困境與出路。最後,綜合理論與高中歷史科課程綱要修訂研究,分析權力運作對課程知識選擇的影響,歸納研究發現作成結論,並提出個人反省。 為達上述之研究目的,本研究兼採以下四種研究方法:1、理論探究:探討當代與課程知識選擇相關的權力運作論述,對課程、知識與權力三者之間的關係進一步解析。2、文件分析:主要應用在對高中歷史科課程綱要修定的相關文件上;針對相關政策文件、會議記錄、檔案資料、研究報告與報紙新聞以及評論等文件進行分析、整理。3、訪談:蒐集高中歷史科課程綱要修定之兩次小組成員與與一般學者專家對於修定變革與爭議的想法。4、觀察:蒐集公聽會現場資料,用以輔助文件分析之不足。 由高中歷史科課程綱要修訂之事件可以發現,課程的確為權力運作產物,且權力運作涉及意識形態與價值觀;學校課程所傳遞的知識涉及不同利益團體之間的價值衝突與權力競逐,且為彼此交相競爭及妥協所產生的結果。爭議焦點著重在政治意識形態對課程的影響,且權力運作以政治性權力與知識性權力為主。政治性權力主要競逐的就是政治意識形態的主導權與文化的詮釋權,藉以獲得社會大眾普遍認同;運作方式主要透過小組外部的政治人物、媒體、社會大種與壓力團體,以及滲入小組內部的行政權力。知識性權力來自於有專業歷史學知識背景的學者、學界力量,以及具有教學專業知識與經驗的高中教師,透過專業知識,提供課程綱要小組不同的想法,藉以產生影響。研究發現,基於政治意識形態出發的政治性權力運作影響,凌駕於知識性權力運作。   最後提出建議如下:1. 課程政策之決定過程應發展更加完備的機制;2. 歷史教育發展應朝向培養學生歷史思維能力的養成;3. 歷史教育改革須朝向專業化發展。


A Study on Curriculum and Power Exercise: Taking the Revision of the Senior High School History Curriculum Guidelines as an Example Abstract The purposes of this study are to examine the relationship between power exercises and curriculum knowledge selection, and to examine the hidden driving forces, the approaches, and the outcome of the curriculum knowledge selection. Apply the critical pedagogy prospective, the relevant power exercises underlying the revision of the senior high school history curriculum guidelines are evaluated in this study. To achieve the research goals, the following research methods are applied in this study: (1) Theoretical exploration-Exploring the relationship between curriculum knowledge selection and power exercises in order to understand the relationship between curriculum, knowledge, and power. (2) Document analysis-Focusing primarily on the documents relating to the revision of the senior high school history curriculum—such as policy statements, meeting minutes, official documents, scholarly reports, newspaper articles, editorials, etc. (3) Interviews-Being conducted to understand the thoughts of the members of the history curriculum revision committee, as well as experts and high school history teachers. (4) Observation-Being conducted to collect data on-site at public hearings in order to supplement the document analysis. The research findings of this study include that the knowledge selection process in the curriculum is indeed influenced by the exercises of power, and the power exercises involve the struggle of ideology and values. The knowledge transmitted in school involves value conflict and power struggle, and it is the results of the inter-competition and inter-compromise among different interest groups. The debates in the society about the revision are focused on the political ideology embedded in the history curriculum guidelines. The two main power exercises are from the political tenet and professional tenet. The political aspect of power exercise reflects the struggle for the leadership of political ideology and interpretation of culture in order to gain the recognition and support from the public. The way the “political power” exercised is through external forces such as politician, media, the public, and the interest groups as well as the administrative power from the Ministry that influenced the committee internally. Professional aspect of power exercise comes from the experts who own professional historical knowledge, from academic community, and from senior high school history teachers. They tried to advocate different ideas and views of guidelines to influence the revision committee. It is found that, the influence of “political power” override that of “professional power”. Finally, the suggestions are provided as follow: 1. The process of curriculum policy-making should be reviewed and reconstructed. 2. The high school history education should be developed toward cultivating students’ independent historical thinking. 3. The reform of the historical education should be heading toward more professionalized.


張祝芬(2008)。高中課程領導之研究: 分佈式領導取向〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0804200910262569
