  • 學位論文


Research of the promotion of community primary school in Taipei-based on community consciousness



摘 要 本研究主題是探討臺北市國民小學推動學校區化之研究∼以社區意識為導向,旨在探討臺北市教育人員社區意識與學校社區化推動現況,並瞭解教育人員社區意識與學校社區化認同感之關係,並據以提出結論與建議,期能促進國民小學教育人員社區意識之提昇,提供有助於推動學校社區化之方式。研究方法除了採文獻分析外,主要以問卷調查方法進行。 本研究對象為臺北市公立國民小學之校長、主任或組長、教師,抽樣調查70所公立國民小學719位之研究對象,調查結果以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關、卡方考驗等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 綜合文獻分析、問卷調查資料,得到以下結論: 一、目前國民小學學校社區化實施現況偏向硬體場地開放及活動的辦理,以「已經做到校園場地開放」90.1%為最高。 二、台北市全體教育工作人員其社區意識偏向中度社區意識,其中最認同「我相當留心社區或村里的環境整潔與安寧」、「我會主動關心我所住的社區或村里的各種變化」、「我聽到社區居民發生不幸時會覺得難過」;認同程度最低之後三名為「我主動參加社區守望相助的工作」、「我對我所居住的社區居民認識很多」、「我只要有空,會儘量參加社區活動」。 三、教育工作人員背景變項與社區意識間之關係 (一)不同背景變項的教育人員其「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「現任學校服務年資」、「現任職務」、「居住台北市時間」與社區意識高低群組之間有顯著相關。「年齡愈長者、已婚者、現任學校服務年資愈長者,職務愈高者、居住台北時間愈長者」,其比較偏向高社區意識群組;「年齡愈低者、未婚者、現任學校服務年資愈少者,居住台北時間愈短者」,其比較偏向低社區意 識群組。 (二)不同「性別、年齡、婚姻、現任學校服務年資、職務、居住台北市時間、學校班級規模」的教育人員在社區意識因素層面「社區參與」、「社區認同」與「社區關懷」有顯著差異,而在「社區親和」方面則未達顯著差異。 四、教育人員對於學校社區化認同感偏向「同意」層面,亦即學校社區化認同感,受到大部分台北市國民小學教育工作人員之認同。 五、教育人員不同之背景變項「性別、年齡、婚姻、現任職務以及學校班級規模」與學校社區化認同感「擬定妥善政策」、「奠基專業素養」、「執行互動作為」及「建立評核機制」四層面均有顯著差異。 六、社區意識與學校社區化認同感之關係 (一) 教育人員社區意識因素層面與學校社區化認同感因素層面間有關連性存在,且偏向中度正相關。 (二) 透過典型相關分析,可知教育人員在「社區關懷」、「社區參與」、「社區認同」與「社區親和」上認同情形愈積極,其學校社區化認同感則愈積極、愈有正面的感受。其中以「社區參與」對學校社區化認同感之影響最深,在「社區親和」層面雖達正相關但相關程度不及「社區關懷」、「社區參與」、「社區認同」等層面。 (三)高低社區意識群組在學校社區化認同感因素層面「擬定妥善政策」、「奠基專業素養」、「執行互動作為」以及「建立評核機制」層面都有顯著差異。其認同情形都比中、低意識群組來的高。 七、學校對社區的協助以「學校提供各方面學習資訊給社區居民」獲得最多認同,其餘:「校園設置社區專欄公布社區訊息」、「提供家庭教育諮詢」、「編寫社區鄉土文化教材」、「輔導外籍配偶」等,其同意情形在50%以上,最為多數人贊同。 八、社區促進學校發展的作為,以「巡守隊維護夜間校園安全」以及「社區協助學校維護環境整潔」獲得最多認同,其餘順序「協助學校危機處理」、「地方仕紳蒞校演講」、「安排學生到社區場所發表成果」等,其同意情形在50%以上,為多數人贊同。 九、學校瞭解社區需求的溝通管道,透過「學校家長會」的方式,獲得最多認同。其餘順序為「學校辦活動時」、「問卷調查」,「地方仕紳到學校演講」、「親師懇談」、「主動參與社區活動」等,其同意情形在50%以上,為多數人贊同。   根據文獻探討和本研究的發現,提出以下建議: 一、對社區意識方面的建議 (一)強化教育人員社區意識,建構學校社區夥伴新關係。 (二)建立社區經驗傳承輔導系統,導引教育人員體驗社區親和作為。 (三)建立學校社區合作發展機制,激發教育人員主動參與社區事務。 二、對學校社區化方面的建議 (一)政策層面 1.制定明確法令政策,發揮學校社區化功效。 2.強化宣導社會教育政策,促人人明悉政策方向。 3.提昇公關單位位階,強化資源統合應用。   4.列入師資養成課程,長養社區服務視野。   5.開放經費專款專用,成立基金減輕負擔。 (二)專業層面   1.定位理念行動,擴展服務胸懷。   2.學校辦理社區讀書會,增長社區專業實踐內涵。 3.設置專業社教導師,協助推動社教工作。  4.發揮辦學績效,爭取社區認同。 (三)執行層面   1.了解困境所在,積極突破現狀。 2.規劃社區教育,系統持續進行。 3.擴大家長會服務功能,結合社區發展方向。 4.洞悉社區權力結構,徵詢社區領袖意見。   5.成立公關推動單位,促成多元溝通效能。   6.共塑社區發展願景,納入學校經營目標。   7.進行深度互動作為,加入社區議題課程。 (四)評核方面   1.兼顧過程與結果,校務評鑑導未來。   2.設立獎勵好機制,行動研究求創新。   3.協調整合齊共識,行銷互惠續發展。 三、對未來研究的建議     在研究方法上可採個案研究法或行動研究法及深度訪談法 ,俾能收集到更客觀資料;在研究對象上可擴及到臺北縣市或全國的中小學;在研究主題上可針對學校社區化單一層面來研究或進行學校社區化與學校效能間之關係研究。


Research of the promotion of community primary school in Taipei -- based on community consciousness Summary In this research, we try to discuss the promotion of community primary school. Based on community consciousness, we discuss the current situation of educational staff’s community consciousness and promotion of community based school, find out the relationship between them, and seek solution for improvement. We base this research on questionnaires besides literature analysis. First of all, we collect related literatures, and discuss the meaning, layers and measurement of community consciousness and community school. Secondly, we discuss the relationship between them. We also send out questionnaires by mail to investigate and collect information about educational staff’s community consciousness and the promotion of community school. Then we analyze the result and find out the detailed solutions. We aim at the principals, directors and teachers of public primary schools in Taipei and take out 719 of them from 70 schools as samples. Then we analyze the result by average, standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Canonical analysis, Chi-square test,From the analysis result, we have the following conclusions and suggestions. From the literature analysis and questionnaire investigation, we have the following conclusions: 1. Currently, many community schools tend to open their grounds and activities. 90.1% of them have opened their campus. 2. The community consciousness of educational staff in Taipei is medium. The most accepted thoughts include: “I do care about the neatness and peace of community”, “I actively care about the change of community that I live in”, and “I feel sorry about the adversities on my neighbors”. “I take active part in the mutual-help programs of the community” is the thought most unaccepted. The top three unaccepted thoughts are “I take active part in the mutual-help programs of the community”, “I know a lot of neighbors in the community” and “I’ll take part in the community activities as much as possible in my spare time”. 3. The relationship between background of educational staffs and community consciousness. (1) The community consciousness of educational staffs is remarkably related to the background variables including age, marriage, longevity, position and time of living in Taipei. The group with high community consciousness includes people who are aged, married, senior, higher in position and long for living in Taipei. The group with low community consciousness includes people who are young, not married, junior and short for living in Taipei. (2) Great differences can be observed on community participation, community recognition, and community care among educational staffs with different sex, age, marriage status, longevity, position, time of living in Taipei, and school size. 4. The educational staffs tend to agree with the promotion of community school. 5. The relationship between the promotion of community school and background of educational staffs. (1) Great differences can be observed on policy making, professional accomplishments, execution and interaction, and establishment of estimation system among educational staffs with different age, marriage status, position and school size. 6. The relationship between community consciousness and promotion of community schools. (1) The community consciousness of educational staff is positively related to the promotion of community school moderately. Some community consciousness factors (“community care”, “community participation” and “community recognition”) are also positively related to the promotion of community school (“policy making”, “professional accomplishments”, “execution and interaction”, and “establishment of estimation system”). Higher community consciousness the educational staffs have, better the promotion of community school will be. (2) Remarkable differences can be observed on “policy making”, “professional accomplishments”, “execution and interaction”, and “establishment of estimation system” in the promotion of community school between groups with high and low community consciousness. The group with high community consciousness tends to accept the promotion of community schools more than the groups with medium and low community consciousness. 7. The most accepted help of school to the community is “the school can provide the inhabitants with various kinds of learning information”. Besides, “Community bulletins set in the campus”, “family education consulting”, “compiling local community teaching materials” and “tutoring foreign spouse” are accepted by more than 50% of responders. 8. The most accepted helps of community to the school are “security maintenance in the night time” and “environment cleansing”. They are followed by “assistance in crisis”, “lectures by local celebrities” and “student production demo in the community”, which are accepted by more than 50% of responders. “The participation of school affairs, development and planning by community” is the most unaccepted thought. This is probably because of the independence of school. They don’t want any outside force to interfere their development. 9. It is most widely accepted that the best way for the school to know the community’s need is “the parent meeting”. Other ways include “holding activities”, “questionnaires”, “lectures by local celebrities”, “communions with teachers” and “active participation of community activities”. They are accepted by more than 50% of the responders. According to the literature review and our research, we have the following suggestions: 1. Community consciousness (1) Strengthen the community consciousness of educational staff. Try to establish a new partner relationship between school and community. (2) Set up a system for propagating community experiences and tutorship in order to gain more experiences for community works. (3) Set up a co-operation between school and community for development. Encourage the educational staffs to take an active part in the community affairs. 2. Community schools (1) Policy making 1. Stipulate for explicit prescripts and policies and discover more functions of community schools. 2. Strengthen the propaganda of social education policies. Make everyone clear of the policy direction. 3. Promote the level of public relation ship unit and strengthen the integration and application of resources.  4. List the community service into the teachers’ course to broaden their field of vision.  5. Prepare a dedicated outlay for campus opening. (2) Professional issues  1. Define the concepts and action, extend the bosom of service. 2. Establish community reading association, to enhance the content of realization in community profession. 3. Set up professional social education teachers, to assist with the promotion of social educational work.  4. Develop the school’s achievement, strive for community’s recognition. (3) Execution  1. Realize the mud and seek for a breakthrough actively. 2. Arrange the community education. Keep the continuous running of system. 3. Strengthen the functions of parents association to integrate with the development of society. 4. Discern the power structure of the community, and pay attention to the opinions of community leader.  5. Establish a promotion unit for public relationship for multiple channel communication.  6 Layout the future of community development and bring it into the operating goal of school.  7. Put up in-depth interaction, and set up a base of trust and service. (4) Estimation  1. Think about the future and take care of both process and result.  2. Set up an encouragement system and carry out action research.  3. Coordinate the mind, integrate the resource, and promote reciprocity for sustainable development. 3. Suggestions for future research First of all, for collecting more objective data, the following methods can be adopted into the research methodology, i.e. individual case study, action research, or profound interview. Secondly, the objects of the research can be expanded to primary and secondary schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, or even in the nation. Lastly, the subject of the research can be focused on the issue of community based school or on the relation between community based school and school’s function.






