  • 學位論文


The Development and Instruction of Chinese News Listening Ability for Korean

指導教授 : 葉德明


聽力通常被認為是語言技能之首,但由於其非外顯而可觀察之行為,故經常被忽視,本論文由研究者在韓國天安外國語大學一學年的教學實習經驗出發,探討韓國學生聽力的進展與難點。韓語當中之「漢字語」即是借自中國古代的詞語,在韓國人聽來,部份漢字語近似於將無聲調的字加上固定的聲調,韓國漢字語對韓國學生中文選用的情況有正、負遷移,在聽力方面亦然。 研究者以問卷調查在韓韓國學生與在台韓國學生,以及在台非韓國學生共一百五十名之聽力情況進行比較分析,根據Oxford(1989)對語言學習策略的分類,發現用率較高的前十項學習策略為:記憶策略的「在記憶中重現聲音」與「使用機械式的方法」、認知策略的「重複」、「聲音及書寫系統的正規練習」、「認出並使用慣用語及句型」、「自然地練習」與「為收發信息使用資源」、補救策略的「利用其他線索」、後設認知策略的「專注」與「延後發言以專注聆聽」。 研究者最後分析台灣新聞廣播語料之特點,並提供教學設計之原則與示範,建議華語教師可針對學生由母語帶來之正遷移予以強化,針對負遷移予以矯正;在華語新聞教學上可依不同學生、環境,彈性地採取適當之教學法,大學之華語新聞課程可採主題式之教學,引導學生善用媒體與網際網路,以培養其學習中文之分析能力與自學能力。


Listening is usually regarded as the head of language skills, however, since it is not external revealing and observable behavior, it is usually neglected. The researcher of the dissertation starts from the teaching internship experiences in Cheonan College of Foreign Studies in Korea and discusses the progress and difficulty of listening of Korean students. “Sino-Korean words ” in Korean is the vocabulary borrowed from ancient China, for the Korean people, part of the Chinese character sounds like toneless words added with fixed tone, Chinese character in Korean has positive and negative influences in the condition of Chinese choosing application, also in the aspect of hearing. The researcher utilizes questionnaire survey to investigate the hearing condition and processes for cross comparison and analysis among Korean students both in Korea and in Taiwan and non-Korean students in Taiwan for the total amount of 150 people. In the classification of the linguistic learning strategy in Oxford (1989), it is found that the top 10 learning strategies are: “representing sounds in memory” and “using mechanical techniques” of memory strategies, “repeating”, “formally practicing with sounds and writing systems”, “recognizing and using formulas and patterns”, “practicing naturalistically” and “using resources for receiving and sending messages” of the congnitive strategies, “ using other clues” of compensation strategies and “paying attention” and “delaying speech production to focus on listening” of metacognitve strategies. The researcher analyzes the character of the language material of the news broadcasting in Taiwan and offers principles for teaching design and demonstration, it is suggested that the Chinese teacher can focus and emphasize on the positive transfer brought by the first language and corrects on the negative one; as to the teaching of Chinese news, flexible proper teaching methods can be adopted according to different students and environment, theme teaching can be applied in the Chinese news course in the university which leads the students to use the media and Internet wisely in order to cultivate their analysis and self learning ability in the study of Chinese.


