  • 學位論文


Administrative Division and Single-District Constituency-Case Study of Annexation between Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County

指導教授 : 紀俊臣


選區重劃(reapportionment或redistricting),與行政區劃其實都是相通的,兩者關係非常密切,前者是指各項選舉區域的重新設定,後者則是指行政區域的設定、調整或廢止。自從「國會改革」修憲案通過後,依憲法增修條文第四條之規定,立法委員席次將減為一一三席,其選舉制度亦將改為「單一選區兩票制」。為配合選舉制度之調整,自第七屆立法委員選舉開始,其選區勢將有大幅變動;亦即七十三席區域立委之選區,將由各直轄市、縣市依應選立法委員名額劃分同數額之選舉區(單一選區)。選區重劃牽涉了政治人物與政黨的利益,充滿高度政治性,而行政區劃則牽涉人口分布與變動、地理環境等,需要非常專業性的規劃,如何調節兩者,以調整最符合選舉之公平性及代表性,是本研究最主要的焦點所在。本文透過文獻分析及整理、深度訪談,分析討論出最適合高雄市縣合併之行政區劃與單一選區劃分方案,並提出研究建議。以下為本研究各章節主要內容: 第一章是本研究之研究緣起與研究架構,是整個研究的骨幹。 第二章針對行政區劃的理論與原則作詳細介紹與應用。 第三章透視臺灣現行行政區劃的缺失與檢討,以對癥下藥。 第四章介紹高雄市縣地理與政治生態,並分別針對高雄市縣合 併之可行性質化分析與需求性量化分析進行探討。 第五章乃以第四章的分析為基礎,中央選舉委員會的建議為 輔,將高雄市縣區域立法委員單一選舉區劃分的可能方案,作 優劣分析,以尋求最適方案。 第六章模擬高雄市縣合併後,二級政府的區劃方案,並嘗試將 行政區與單一選舉區做出整合方案,接著研究其對高雄市縣政 治生態的影響。 第七章為結論,將研究結果與研究發現統整,並提出研究建議。 本研究係整合行政區劃與選舉區劃分之論述,其結論旨在試圖建構區劃理論或模式,從而為該領域之學術發展做出些許貢獻。


The idea of “reapportionment (or redistricting)” can be interlinked with “administrative division” , they are closed together. The meaning of “reapportionment (or redistricting)” is the reset of electoral constituency . The meaning of “administrative division” is the setting , adjustment and abolishment of administrative districts. Since our Constitution about “the innovation of congress” was amended , according to the fourth amendment clause , our legislators will cut down to 113 , and our electoral system will change to SNTV. In order to cooperate to the change , the electoral districts will change a lot from 2007 Legislative Yuan Election . 73 regional legislative constituencies will be divided to single-district constituency due to each municipality and county’s legislative member. Reapportionment (or redistricting)is a high political considering mission , it’s involve high profit of political person and party. While administrative division have to formulate high professionally cause it involve the change of population and natural conditions ,etc. How to connect the equitable and representative missions is the focus of this essay. I will try to collect and analyze the relative documents, interview with related administrators, then try to find the best plan that suit Kaoushiung city and county. Besides I will bring up the study suggestions for the government. These are the content of each chapter of the study: Chapter1 is the framework of the whole study , including the origin of the study and the frame of the study. Chapter 2 is on the administrative division theories and principles academically. In Chapter 3 , I try to find out the difficult position that Taiwan’s administrative division have to face. Chapter 4 introduce the natural condition and political ecology about Kaoushiung city and county , then try to analyze the possibility and requirement on annexation between kaoushiung city and county. Chapter 5 is base on the analysis in chapter 4 , and the suggestion by the central electoral council , try to look out the best administrative division and SNTV electoral constituency plan for Kaoushiung city and county. In Chapter 6 , I try to simulate the best span of control of two class government of the annexation between Kaoushiung city and county , and study how will it infect the political ecology of Kaoushiung city and county. Chapter 7 is the affect and result of the study , then I support my studying suggestion. This study is about the annexation between Kaoushiung city and county , and try to set up the division theories and model to do some contribution to the area of academic.


38.紀俊臣,2006 a,<一個研究上的思考:臺灣行政區域的調整>,「合諧社會與兩岸地方服務型政府比較研究」理論研討會。
32.紀俊臣,2001 b,<臺灣之行政區劃與地方自治>,《中國地方自治月刊》,第54卷第2期,頁4~27。


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