  • 學位論文


A Study of Specification and Classification for Skill Test of Single Chip Microcontroller in the Republic of China

指導教授 : 謝澄漢


本研究旨在研擬我國單晶片技能檢定之職類、等級與規範內涵。為達成研究之目的,首先以文獻分析法來瞭解國內外在技能檢定方面之分類與分級現況外,並探討單晶片目前的發展動向、市場需求及教學情形等,進而對國內從事與單晶片相關的教育界、企業界及職訓界人員實施問卷調查,總共寄出200份問卷回收129份,問卷回收率為64.5%;問卷資料使用次數分配與百分比等統計方法進行分析,所獲得的結論與建議如下所述: 1. 決定某一技能檢定的職類別,除應配合國家整體工業技術的提升及經濟的發展外,尚須根據該工作所需要的專業知識與技能、社會上已有之職業類別、工作的性質及職業訓練的職類等原則。 2. 決定某一職類技能檢定的等級,除與教育程度關係密切外,尚須根據專業知識之內涵、技能的難易度、技能與知識所佔之比率、工作項目的層級、操作的機器或工具及企業界之需求等原則。 3. 以單晶片作為本研究所欲研擬之技能檢定的職類名稱為最佳,並且以甲、乙及丙三級的等級區分方式最為適當。 4. 我國相關政府機關應儘速將單晶片技能檢定予以獨立成為單一職類,並立刻著手規劃辦理單晶片技術士技能檢定。 本研究依據問卷調查結果,將單晶片技能檢定區分為甲、乙及丙三個等級,並經資料彙整與統計後針對三個等級分別研擬出技能檢定規範之內涵,以供日後有關單位籌劃單晶片技術士技能檢定時的參考。 關鍵字:技能檢定、工作分析、工作規範、檢定規範、證照制度、單晶片


單晶片 技能檢定 檢定規範


The purpose of this study is to research the title, the classification and the standards for skill tests of single chip microcontrollers in ROC. In order to achieve the study purpose, literature regarding the classification and the grade of skill test in foreign countries and our country were reviewed and analyzed. A questionnaire survey was also implemented. The questionnaires were sent to the educational organizations, enterprises, and job training authorities. 200 questionnaires were sent out and 129 were sent back. The returning rate was 64.5%. The conclusions and suggestions of this study are described as follows: 1. A title of a skill test should be defined either to accomplish the government’s technical promotions and the developments of economics, and it needs more requirements, such as: professional knowledge and skill, job classes, job’s differences and job training. 2. A classification of a skill test should be defined according to a close relationship with educational organizations, and it should be refer to the technical knowledge, skill’s difficulties or not, the percent of skill and knowledge, the level of working items, how to operate machines or tools, and the needs of the enterprises. 3. Single chip is the best title of the skill test for this study. Moreover, it is suitable that the classification of single chip skill test is divided into A, B, C. 4. The government must separate the single chip’s skill test from others, and give the “single chip” as the only classification as soon as possible. As to the result of questionnaires, the classification of single chip skill test is divided into A, B, C by means of rearranging data and statistics. Further more, it will be given to the related organizations, if they want to make such a kind of skill test. Key Words: Skill test、Task analysis、Specification for job、Specification for skill test、Single chip


年鑑。台北: 經濟部技術處。
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