  • 學位論文


The Research on Junior High School Administrators' Instructional Leadership

指導教授 : 黃乃熒 博士


本研究旨在探討我國國中處室行政人員教學領導的實施現況,並進而探求國中處室行政人員實施教學領導對學校效能的影響力;最後,再歸納研究發現,來規劃一套國中處室行政人員專屬的教學領導原則及實施綱要,據以供作國中處室行政人員實施教學領導時的參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究兼採文獻分析法及問卷調查法。根據研究目的及文獻分析所得結果,編製「國民中學各處室教學領導任務調查問卷」,然後再依學校所在地區及學校規模大小,抽取臺灣省北部六縣市(含台北縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、台北市、基隆市及新竹市等)50所公立國民中學900位學校教職員(含校長、教務處、訓導處、輔導室等三處室行政人員,以及未兼行政工作的教師等)為對象,進行調查。再透過描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析,及典型相關等統計方法,加以處理,而獲得結論如下: 一、國中處室行政人員實施教學領導的情形大致良好。唯在「公共關係的經營」之層面上,仍亟待加強。 二、性別不同的學校教職員在處室行政人員實施教學領導的認知上,有顯著的差異存在。為男性教職員所給予的評價明顯高於女性教職員。 三、學歷不同的學校教職員在處室行政人員實施教學領導的認知上,有顯著的差異存在。特別是專科或以下畢業的教職員所給予的評價明顯高於其他學歷畢業的教職員。 四、職務不同的學校教職員在處室行政人員實施教學領導的認知上,有顯著的差異存在。為學校行政人員所給予的評價明顯高於未兼任何行政工作的班級導師及專任教師。 五、年資不同的學校教職員在處室行政人員實施教學領導的認知上,有顯著的差異存在。特別是年資在16年以上的資深教職員所給予的評價明顯高於年資在15年以下較為資淺的教職員。 六、服務學校規模不同的學校教職員在處室行政人員實施「公共關係的經營」層面的認知上,有顯著的差異存在。為服務於36班以下的教職員所給予的評價明顯高於60班以上的教職員。 七、國中處室行政人員教學領導任務與學校效能呈高度正相關。 八、國中處室行政人員實施教學領導會影響「學生學習成就」。 九、國中處室行政人員實施教學領導會影響「教師教學效能」。 十、國中處室行政人員實施教學領導對「學校效能」有正面的影響。 十一、不同背景的學校教職員對國中處室行政人員實施教學領導,確實懷有高度的企盼與期待。 根據研究結果,提出以下數點原則性的建議,作為今後改進國中處室行政人員實施教學領導上的參考。 一、 對教育行政機關與師資培育機構的建議 (一) 在學校處室行政人員的養成教育過程中強化其對教學領導的 觀念。 (二) 提供與教學領導相關之進修研習機會。 (三) 增加各處室充分的員額編制。 (四) 徹底落實「教師進階制度」。 二、 對校長的建議 (一) 學校宜發展成一「學習型組織」。 (二) 校長領導風格有待重建。 (三) 建立學校各處室行政人員教學領導之工作指標。 (四) 加強處室行政人員績效評鑑。 三、 對學校各行政處室領導者的建議 (一) 積極與社區建立優質的伙伴關係。 (二) 拔擢更多女性教職員擔任學校行政主管。 (三) 強化學校各層級間的溝通互動。 四、 對未來進一步研究的建議 (一) 就研究對象而言:今後的研究,就量而言,或許可再就全省為取樣範圍,來進行研究。而就質而言,或許可以縱的方面來擴大範圍至國小、高中等;而也可以就橫向來擴大範圍至私立學校。此外,問卷施測對象,亦可將其餘如教育官員、學者專家、其餘處室成員、社區人士,甚或學生等相關人員加以納入。 (二) 就研究方法而言:今後的研究,或可兼採用訪談法,或直接採用質性研究之參與觀察法,以彌補問卷調查法之不足。 (三) 就研究內容而言:今後的研究,或許可就其餘學校處室,如總務處、人事室等,與本研究所取的三處室來進行一統整性的分析與討論,以彌補本研究「學校處室行政人員」之代表性的不足。 (四) 就研究變項而言:今後的研究,或許可再加入如任教地區、填答者個人進修頻率等。此外,就依變項的學校效能方面,本研究僅以其兩項基本之核心概念為主軸。今後的研究,或許亦可再將其細分如學校氣氛、適應力等,在據此進行研究。


The purposes of the study are: (a) to explore the condition of instructional leadership implemented by the school administrators, (b) to investigate the relationship between the school administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors and the school effectiveness, and (c) to conclude the investigating results to provide the school administrators with their own instructional leadership rules and programs. In order to accomplish these purposes, the researcher adopts both “documentary research” and “questionnaire survey”. According to the purposes of the study and the results concluded out of the literatures, a questionnaire called “The School Administrators’ Instructional Leadership Behavior Scale” is developed. And then, it is used to survey on 900 school staffs, including administrators and teachers, randomly selected from 50 junior high schools in the six counties in north Taiwan, including Taipei city, Keelung city, Hsin-Chu city, Taipei county, Taoyuan county, and Hsin-Chu county. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression, and canonical regression are the main treatments in data analysis. From the statistical analysis of the results, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. It is rather good for school administrators in junior high schools to implement instructional leadership. Only in the task, “ managing public relationship”, it still has to be paid much attention to. 2. In the cognition of school administrators’ instructional behaviors, there is a significant difference between males and females. The result is that the evaluation given by males is obviously higher than females. 3. In the cognition of school administrators’ instructional behaviors, there is a significant difference between different diplomas. Especially those staffs who graduated from academy, the evaluation given by them is obviously higher than other categories of diplomas. 4. In the cognition of school administrators’ instructional behaviors, there is a significant difference between different positions. The result is that the evaluation given by school administrators is obviously higher than teachers. 5. In the cognition of school administrators’ instructional behaviors, there is a significant difference between different seniority. Especially those staffs who are over 16 seniority, the evaluation given by them is obviously higher than those below 15 seniority. 6. In the cognition of school administrators’ instructional behaviors, there is a significant difference between different school size. The result is that the evaluation given by those staffs whose schools are less than 36 classes are obviously higher than more than 60 classes. 7. There is significant positive correlation between the school administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors and the school effectiveness. 8. The junior high school administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors can influence the students’ achievement obviously. 9. The junior high school administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors can influence the teaching efficiency obviously. 10. The junior high school administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors can influence the school effectiveness obviously. 11. Different ecological variables of school staffs are pleased to accept the concept of the school administrators’ instructional leadership. Finally, base on the conclusion, the researcher proposes several principled suggestions below for junior high school administrators to implement instructional leadership. 1. For educational administrative agencies and pre-service teacher institutions: (i) To reinforce the concept of instructional leadership in the process of school administrators’ faculty cultivation. (ii) To provide the school administrators with the in-service programs related to instructional leadership. (iii) To increase school administrators properly. (iv) To provide a systematic career ladder for teachers. 2. For principals: (i) To develop school as a learning organization. (ii) To rebuild the leading style of principals. (iii)To build up a set of guidelines school administrators’instructional leadership tasks. (iv) To reinforce the evaluation on the school administrators’ performance. 3. For the leaders of the school administrative agencies: (i) To develop a fit partnership between its belonging community. (ii) To provide more opportunities of being the leaders of the school administrative agencies for females. (iii)To reinforce the communication between different phases of school staffs. 4. For the further research: (i) To broaden the samples. (ii) To adopt qualitative research. (iii)To broaden the content of research. (iv) To broaden the variables of research.




