  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 周愚文


韓非哲學一般均公認其綜合法家之大成,而法家論事治國係以客觀之效果以定是非曲直,受商鞅之法,申不害之術及慎到之勢,綜合諸說,推而廣之,建立一套中央集權,富國強兵之統治術,韓非處弱韓危急之時,以宗屬疏遠不得進用,其身與國為體,燭弊深切,著書以明之。書二十卷,約五十五篇,後人註譯甚多,褒貶互見。韓非思想,其立論在「集權」、「用人」、「用術」之領導管理等方面,與西方馬基維利、韋柏、霍布斯等人思想相互輝映,確被公認為有用之學。 本論文共分五章;第一章為緒論,分述研究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟,研究資料,名詞界定,第二章則論述韓非哲學的淵源與要點,共分哲學要略,韓非生平事略,韓非哲學體系,韓非哲學之缺失及時代意義;第三章論中西領導理念與韓非領導哲學,共分領導之意義,中國傳統領導理論,西方現代領導理念,韓非之領導哲學及批判等五節;第四章論學校行政領導與韓非哲學,共分學校行政領導理念,韓非與學校行政關係,內含學校行政之組織與管理等,第五章則為結論,以韓非思想針對學校行政之綜合觀點,歸納統整,並剖析其可行可用之處,任法與時俱轉,用術發揮技巧,集勢則為推行政策之首要。 歸結其要,韓非領導哲學應充份掌握其「法、術、勢」之基本內涵,斟酌運用,必有裨於現時之學校行政領導。


韓非哲學 領導 學校行政領導 任法 用術 集勢


Han Fei’s philosophy on leadership has been taken for granted as the masterpiece of Fa-Jia’s thoughts, which stressed law and punishment in ancient China. No matter what in arguing things or governing country, Fa-Jia adopted an objective way to distinguish right from wrong. His thoughts were influenced by Shang Yung who advocated in law-ruling by Shen Buh Hay who used skillful ruling techniques, and by Shen Dow who took the advantages of leader’s authority. In short, Fa Jia combined a variety of leading philosophy and applied all to build up not only a country of centralization but also an effective ruling strategy in the national army. Though being in situation of crisis, Han Fei had a keen insight which devoted himself to rescuing his country. As for Han Fei’s philosophy of application , he was relationship-oriented. In his lifetime, Han Fei wrote volumes of books including about 55 articles and all of his articles were explained by descendants; some hightly praised some not . To sum up, Han Fei’s debates on the leaderhsip of centralization, applied and leading techniques correspond with certain philosopher’s thoughts in western coutries, such as Weber, Machiavelli, Hobbes etc… .Therefore, Han-Fei’s thoughts are universally accepted as a useful theory of policties. There are five chapters in this thesis; the first chapter is perface . The second chaper discusses briefly on both Chyn dynasty and Han Fei’s thoughts in terms of Fa-Jia’s thoughts and the summary of Han Fei’s history as well as his thoughts in terms of that period of time. The third chapter discusses the theories in China and the west leadership and Han Fei’s philosophy on leadership. The fourth chapter discusses the relationship between Hun-Fei’s philosophy and the leadership in school administration . The fifth chaper is the conclusion regarding how Han Fei’s Philosophy is applied in school administration. In a word , law-ruling, ruling techniques and the leader’s authority are the essences of so as to help the leadership in school’s administration.


