  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Style Incorporating Pre-Qin Confucian Thoughts and Teachers’ Job Involvement in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 林明地


雲林縣國小校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與 教師工作投入相關之研究 摘要 本研究目的首先在瞭解雲林縣國小校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與教師工作投入之現況,其次是探討雲林縣國小教師個人背景變項及學校環境變項在校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與教師工作投入的差異情形,最後探討雲林縣國小校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與教師工作投入之間的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,並以自編的「雲林縣國小校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與教師工作投入相關之研究調查問卷」為調查工具,以雲林縣公立國民小學教師為調查對象,進行分層便利抽樣,共計抽取600位研究樣本,回收有效樣本434份,回收可用率為72.33%。最後,以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析。依據資料分析結果得到以下結論: 一、雲林縣國民小學校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格得分屬於高程度。其中以「以禮為範」最高,「以智明辨」最低。 二、雲林縣國民小學教師所知覺校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格在性別、教育程度、擔任職務、學校地區及學校規模有差異,以男性、研究(含四十學分班)以上畢業、兼主任教師、位於鄉鎮、6班以下學校得分較高。 三、雲林縣國民小學教師工作投入得分屬於高程度。其中以「工作樂趣」最高,「工作認同」最低。 四、雲林縣國民小學教師工作投入在擔任職務及學校規模有差異,以兼主任教師、6班以下學校得分較高。 五、雲林縣國小教師知覺校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格與教師工作投入具有顯著正相關。 六、雲林縣國民小學教師所知覺校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格對教師工作投入具解釋力,解釋量為37.1%,以「以義行事」的解釋量最高。 最後,根據以上之研究結論提出建議,以供教育行政機關、國民小學校長、國民小學教師與後續研究之參考。 關鍵詞:國民小學校長、國民小學教師、校長運用先秦儒家思想之領導風格、教師工作投入


A Study of the Relationship between Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Style Incorporating Pre-Qin Confucian Thoughts and Teachers’ Job Involvement in Yunlin County Abstract This study aimed to probe into of how the elementary school principals in Yunlin County used Pre-Qin Confucian thoughts to foster teachers’ job involvement. It also intended to analyze the different variables of teachers' backgrounds and school environment among the principals' leadership and teachers' job involvement. The next was to discuss the relevances and predictions between the two. The study adopted the questionnaire survey, and the subjects were the elementary teachers in Yunlin County filling out the questionnaires. Stratified random sampling was adopted to select 600 elementary teachers, and 434 valid surveys were returned. The returned rate was 72.33%. The data was analyzed statistically, including standard deviation, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple stepwise-regressions, and etc. Conclusions can be made as follows: 1.Elementary school teachers in Yunlin County perceived a high level on the leadership styles of principals’ using Pre-Qin Confucian thoughts. Among the leadership styles, treating teachers with courtesy was rated at the highest level; however, treating teachers with justice was rated at the lowest level. 2.A significant difference showed on the perception of “principals’ using Pre- Qin Confucian thoughts in their leadership” based on the variables including teachers’ genders, teachers’ education backgrounds, teachers’ current positions, school sizes and school districts. Particularly, the male teachers with Master’s degrees, serving directors in the small schools under 6 classes had higher values on principals’ Confucian leadership styles than the others. 3.Elementary school teachers in Yunlin County perceived a high value on the job involvement. Among the factors of job involvement, the pleasure of working was rated at the highest level; however, the work recognition was rated at the lowest level. 4.The variables including teachers’ positions and school sizes made the significant difference on the elementary school teachers’ job involvement in Yunlin County. Particularly, the teachers who served as directors in the small schools under 6 classes had higher values on teachers’ job involvement than the others. 5.There was a significant positive correlation between the principals’ using Pre- Qin Confucian thoughts and the teachers’ job involvement. 6.The principals’ using Pre-Qin Confucian thoughts in their leadership had a significant impact on the teachers’ job involvement, and the data was 37.1%. Finally, the findings derived from this study aimed to provide the educational institutions, principals and teachers in elementary schools as references for the future study. Keywords: elementary school principal, elementary school teacher, principals’ leadership style of using Pre-Qin Confucian thoughts, job involvement


蔡麗華 (2001)。台北縣國民小學教師工作投入與教學效能關係之研究。
