  • 學位論文


A study on the Influence of Team Process on Employee’s Teamwork Attitude--- A case of Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 方崇雄


本研究的主要目的,在於探討團隊運作對團隊工作態度的影響,並調查瞭解台北市政府內團隊運作的情形及員工對團隊所抱持的工作態度情形,據以提出結論與建議,以供台北市政府運用團隊時之參考。根據文獻探討的結果,自編問卷,並經多位市府同仁「試填」及專家修訂,以台北市政府人事處編印「中華民國八十九年四月台北市府暨所屬各機關學校職員錄」之市府一級單位之科長、股長、組長、課長、科員、組員、技士、工程員、課員為抽樣對象,進行問卷調查法之研究。所得資料經統計方法分析,綜合歸納為以下結論: 一、 台北市政府內團隊運作的情形,整體來看表現尚可,顯示大部分的員工對團隊運作已有一定程度的認知,也具備一定的技巧,但未達運作良好的程度。 二、 台北市政府內員工對團隊的工作滿足程度,在工具性滿足與社會性滿足上,滿意度尚可,顯示大部分員工在參與團隊工作時,對所達到的團隊目標及成員間的互動關係尚稱滿意。但在利己性滿足上,滿意度表現平平,顯示對參與團隊工作所能獲得的個人欲求的利益,不予置評。 三、 台北市政府內員工對團隊的組織承諾與工作投入情形,整體表現尚可,顯示大部分員工在參與團隊工作時,對團隊有相當的認同感且會積極的投入團隊工作。 四、 台北市政府內員工的基本特性對團隊的工作態度有顯著的差異性存在,顯示不同屬性的員工對團隊工作有著不同的認知與行為表現。 五、 團隊運作對團隊工作態度有一定之影響,且運作愈好,則成員的工作滿足感、組織承諾及工作投入程度愈高。就台北市政府內的團隊運作而言,以團隊領導、團隊決策、授與權能與團隊目標等五項因素,對員工的團隊工作態度具有顯著性的影響。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of team process on employee’s teamwork attitude and to understand the performance of team process and employee’s teamwork attitude in Taipei City Government. From 800 mailed questionnaire collected from employees of Taipei City Government, 309 were completed and used to draw the following conclusions: 1. In general, team process has been actively practiced in many projects in Taipei City Government indicating that most of staffs remain certain level knowledge and skill of team process. Nevertheless, most people feel that it still has a lot of room to improve the current situation. 2. Although most of people feel that instrumental and social satisfactions are acceptable, they have little comment on egocentric satisfaction. 3. The organizationl commitment and job involvement are satisfied. This suggests that not only are most of people able to identify themselves as part of team, but also willing to devote themselves to the teamwork. 4. In Taipei City Government, individual background including age, gender, education, seniority, experience, and job position can prominently affect team attitude. This represents that people who have different background would have distinct acknowledgment and behave differently in teamwork. 5. Team process influences teamwork attitude. The more effective team process, the better job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement. In this study, it reveals that unified commitment, a strong leader, common consensus decision, empowered and clear team goal are the key factors, which would influence teamwork attitude.


Teamwork job attitude




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