  • 學位論文


Effect of Mental Practice on Learning the Skill of Trampoline Stretch Jump with 1/1 Turn

指導教授 : 簡曜輝




The goal of this experiment is to probe into the mental practice on learning the skill and retaining effect of trampoline stretch jump with 1/1 turn . And the effect in imagery ability and physiological variation values for experimenter. We asked 60 male students from Ta-Tong Secondary School of Taipei, average age is 15.81±0.41 years old. We randomly assigned these 60 male students into 3 groups: physical practice team, mental practice team, and control team. Afterward we started this exercise as a pre-testing. Experiment frequency is 15 times in total. physical practice team practice experiment skill for 10 times; mental practice team had approximately 30 minutes of mental curriculum every occasion (relaxation training, mental instruction language, viewing demonstration videos, and self- imagery practice). Control-team read books that are unrelated to this experiment for 30 minutes. After this part, we continue to proceed the technique after-testing. After one week had retaining–testing. Furthermore, mental practice team had filled out the Movement Imagery Questionnaire before and after experiment, and measure physiological value by Bio pack after after-testing. Data was collected from performance of trampoline stretch jump with 1/1 turn and the MIQ and the response of physiological value. Two split-plot designs and covariance and t-test were used to statistically analyze the data obtained. Within the limitations of this study the following conclusions were derived: The mental practice -team better than control-teams and learning effect was similar to the physical practice team; the study of retaining effect among 3 teams yielded no considerable difference. Mental practice is capable of increasing experimenter’s imagery ability. There was a changing in the physiological variation values from every aspect in the process of this mental practice for all the experimenters. Skin temperature and GSR were rising , heart rate and EMG were droping. Above condition has showed that the experimenter was in relaxed condition.


mental practice imagery relaxation training MIQ trampoline


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