  • 學位論文


The Effects of Traditional Teaching and Media Teaching on Students’ Knowledge and Motor Skills Learning of the Dragon Boat

指導教授 : 闕月清




The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of three different teaching methods, namely traditional teaching, media teaching and mixed teaching (a combination of traditional and media teaching methods) on students’ understanding of the dragon boat and their performance in learning motor skills. The “traditional teaching method” in the study referred to teaching based on the teacher’s instruction, demonstration, correction and feedback from both the teacher and students. The “media teaching method” referred to students learned by watching media sources. The “mixed teaching method” referred to the traditional teaching with the support of media. The participants were 60 vocational high school students (30 male and 30 female students). The students were divided into three groups based on different results from the pre-test. The three teaching methods were applied to these groups for four weeks and the students’ learning performance was assessed by post-test. A paper test was used to assess the student’s knowledge of the dragon boat. The test result was analyzed by ANCOVA to examine the difference between three groups. The students’ learning performance of rowing the dragon boat was assessed in a rowing efficiency test and a motor skills test. In the rowing efficiency test, an electric strength tester was used to test the students’ strength of moving the dragon boat forward with oars. The motor skills test contained 15 components of the movement so as to mark the students’ correctness of motor skills. The result of both tests was analyzed by one-way ANOVA to investigate difference between the groups, followed by post hoc comparison using t-test. A semi-structured interview was used to investigate the students’ attitude toward the teaching methods. The findings were: (1)there was no significant difference between the three teaching methods; (2)concerning the students’ performance in learning rowing the dragon boat, “traditional teaching” and “mixed teaching” were better than “media teaching” in terms of effectiveness; (3) the students were more willing to accept “traditional teaching” or “mixed teaching”. The findings indicated that traditional teaching led to better learning performance in the motor skills of rowing a dragon boat. Judging from the results, the outcome of media teaching in learning the motor skills of rowing a dragon boat was not as satisfactory as the other two methods, could be due to time constraints. However, combining traditional and media teaching in teaching motor skills enhanced learning in both the knowledge and motor skills of the dragon boat.




