  • 學位論文


A narrative inquiry to teacher's identity from a lifelong learning perspective

指導教授 : 楊國賜博士 陳雪雲博士


摘要 教師專業認同是教師對自己身為教師所具有的意義的整體看法。在當代社會日益複雜化與網絡化,生命情境充滿不確定性的風險,影響所及,教師教學實踐的場域也充滿不確定性的挑戰。傳統主導教師認同的穩定參照系統不再有效,原有的知識規範和期待在多元糾葛的關係中呈現出複雜脫序的面貌。因此,教師需要發展自我反思性計畫,重組自我認同,尋找意義,重新建構自己身為教師的意義。在這樣的時空背景中,教師專業認同的研究所要關心的是,一個人想要成為怎樣的人,他所抱持的信念和承諾是什麼,他想要做一個怎樣的教師才能建立有意義的人生。教師專業認同的研究要理解的是教師在教學實踐的場域中如何終身學習,發展和建構「活出自己」的生命進程。 本研究以生命史敘說的方法,深入訪談四位小學教師,聆聽她們敘說成為教師的過程,以及她們在教學實踐的場域的故事。從故事敘說中探討教師的專業認同,瞭解教師認同的內涵,以及認同形成和改變的學習歷程。在這些敘說當中,教師描述自己是一個怎樣的老師,說出自己對教學,對學生的理念,對好(優秀)老師的評價,對自己的看法,對自己當老師的意義的敘說,對自己的教學信念,教學態度和方法的陳述,對教學實踐的外在環境,學校與教改的看法,也思考自己未來繼續擔任教職的展望和願景。….等等。教師的敘說充滿豐富的認同內涵,分析教師的敘說可以理解形成教師專業認同的來源,認同的演化發展,以及影響認同改變的因素。教師專業認同與個人的自我有密切的關係,教師認同的演化發展是終身學習的歷程。 本研究最後根據研究所得建議師資養成與教師繼續學習的相關措施必須重視教師自我與教師認同。教師自我和教師認同應該成為教育領域合法化的主題,教育改革的公共對話議題。本研究並建議以反思性終身學習的概念建立教師繼續學習的支持系統,重視教師的主體性,提供反思性學習的空間,助長教師自我的演化,建構教師的專業認同,為教師增能。


A narrative inquiry to teacher’s identity from a lifelong learning perspective Wu, Shen Shen Abstract Teacher’s professional identity is the teacher’s conception of herself as a teacher. The teaching self plays an important part in the way this teacher perceives specific job situations, gives meaning to her. What happens to teachers’ professional identity in the globalizing risk society and what can a researcher learn from what is uncovered about teachers’ construct of their professional identity? To answer these questions, a narrative inquiry was conducted by making intensive interviews with four primary school teachers, listening to their life stories of being a teacher. Emphasis was put on the evolving selves and the reflexive learning processes in which identity was shaped, changed and reshaped. At the end of the data collection, case studies of each of the four primary school teachers were constructed and analyses were performed. Abundant data collected from the narratives described teachers’ selves as a teacher, showed what sources identity came from, and interpreted the developing and evolving of professional identity in a reflexive way of lifelong learning process. The inquiry also validated the relationship between personal and professional identity. Accordingly, this research argued that issues of teaching self and professional identity be legitimated in the discourses of educational area and educational reform. And the development of teaching self and the importance of reflexivity should be more focused in supporting teachers’ lifelong learning.


