  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Early Domestic Violence Experience, Filial Piety and Psychological Health on Taiwanese College Students

指導教授 : 王麗斐


本研究旨在探討大學生知覺的早年家庭暴力經驗、孝道因素與心理健康的關係。以就讀大台北地區、台中地區公私立大學的673位大學生為研究參與者,採用問卷調查法進行資料收集。研究工具包含基本資料,可評量早年家庭暴力經驗的知覺父母婚姻暴力經驗量表(自編)與早年兒童虐待量表(吳秋月,民88),可評量孝道因素之孝道量表(Yeh & Bedford, in press)與父母期望量表(Wang & Heppner, 2002),以及評量心理健康的自尊量表(Rosenberg, 1965)與孤寂感量表(Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, 1980)。 研究結果顯示大學生所知覺的早年家庭暴力經驗程度不同時,反映在孝道因素與心理健康方面都會有差異,當個人所知覺的早年父母婚姻暴力或童年受虐程度較高時,較不認為應該在互惠性、權威性方面孝順父親,在人品與學業方面也較難符合父母的期待,且呈現出較低的自尊與較高的孤寂感。不過,大學生所知覺的早年父母婚姻暴力或童年受虐的高低程度,對其面對母親的互惠性或權威性孝道概念程度並無差異。 另外,本研究的主要發現顯示早年家庭暴力經驗、孝道與心理健康三組變項中,任兩組變項都具有典型相關存在,也就是說早年家庭暴力經驗、孝道因素與心理健康三者彼此有關係存在;早年家庭暴力經驗、孝道因素共同與心理健康產生關聯,其對心理健康之解釋量主要由互惠性孝道概念、早年父親施予的兒童虐待經驗與在學業成就上符合父母期望的程度所組成。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議以供未來研究及諮商實務應用的參考。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among early domestic violence experience, filial piety and psychological health. Six hundred and seventy three undergraduate university students in Taipei and Taichung participated in this study. Participants completed the Perceived Childhood Abuse Scale, Perceptive Experience of Parental Marital Violence Scale (Wu, 1999), Filial Piety Scale (Yeh & Bedford, in press), Living Up to Parental Expectation Scale (Wang & Heppner, 2002), Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, Peplau, Cutrona, 1980). In comparison of two groups with different degree of early domestic violence experiences, people who perceived higher degree of early domestic violence considered filial piety toward father as less important, and found more difficult to live up to parents’ expectation. Also they had lower self-esteem and felt lonelier in comparing with people who perceived lower degree of early domestic violence. However, there was no significant difference in the filial piety toward mother between these two groups. The results of canonical correlation analysis indicated that relations among early domestic violence experience, filial piety and psychological health existed. Especially, the reciprocal filial piety, childhood abuse by father, and living up to parental expectation in academic achievement predominated the explanation of variance in psychological health. In addition, the population of variance in psychological health explained by filial piety was higher than that by early domestic violence experience. Implications for counseling and further research are discussed.


