  • 學位論文


The Dual Structure of Transnational Advertising Group Networks

指導教授 : 趙怡


跨國廣告集團(Transnational Advertising Group )以專業包裝、行銷的手法,協助多國籍企業(Multinational Company, MNCs),即跨國廣告主,開拓國際市場,促成其全球化商業擴張策略(Gershon, 1996;Fejes, 1980)。同樣地,跨國廣告集團之所以能快速地席捲全球,多國籍企業也扮演了一個催化的關鍵因素,使得跨國廣告集團在國際間得以強大的經濟規模後盾滲入其他區域市場,依附著多國籍企業的市場擴張而擴張,驅使其產業以經濟決定優勢,快速拓展至全球市場。 因此,本研究依循媒體經濟的全球化快速發展概念,探討跨國廣告集團組織間的整合行為,以瞭解在全球性的經濟變革下,廣告傳播產業的跨組織結構與擴張網路結構各自特色為何。目前論及全球網路佈局、產業競爭策略、核心資源等相關領域之研究,多數侷限於多國籍企業的一般通則性研究;針對於服務業性質的跨國廣告集團之雙重結構(dual structure):亦即全球地域擴張活動,以及產業組織連結之相關描述,仍未受研究者的關注。 本研究藉由跨組織連結(interorganizational linkages)活動與全球地理擴張兩個面向的雙重網路結構來探討跨國廣告集團之全球化發展。以社會網路分析方法,跨國廣告集團跨組織結構與地理擴張網路,且初探性描述廣告集團間的雙元結構。研究結果顯示,各跨國廣告集團可分為三類主要企業:廣告代理、媒體服務與市場行銷,其彼此間之雙元網路結構具有完全不同的跨組織網路結構,對於全球市場的擴張結構也各自不同。


The Dual Structure of Global Advertising Group Networks Abstract Transnational advertising groups are structurally constrained with the growth of other industries. Furthermore, with the process of globalization, advertising becomes the primary tool for communicating marketing information and image to the global audience (Gershon, 1996; Fejes, 1980). Consequently, the global expansion of advertising group is dependent on the degree of internationalization in other industries that are investing in intangible resources globally. As advertising groups have expanded geographically through foreign direct investment and internationalization linkages, they have reorganized branches in order to offer clients centralized and coordinated services. Whereas the resource in global advertising industry has been dominated by a few advertising groups, the linkages of transnational information and marketing have become important aspect to picture the structure in global advertising industry. The purpose of this research is to discuss three major questions related to the dual structure of transnational advertising groups. First of all, in order to understand the interorganizational linkages of advertising groups in advertising, media and marketing agency, the advertising resource and exchange in the advertising groups is to be studied. Secondly, to find out the geographic spread of advertising groups in three main businesses, the foreign direct investment behavior of advertising groups is the subject to be noted. Thirdly, the dual structure of advertising group shows what kind of marketing characteristic. The results of the multiple networks analysis revealed that there are specific interoganizational and geographical network structures exist in each main businesses of advertising group, and the interorganizational and geographical network do not have similar connected degree in each main business.


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