  • 學位論文


The Adaptation Process of Two Unprofessional Novice Nursery Schools Directors

指導教授 : 林育瑋


摘 要 本研究以兩個個案為研究對象,採質性取向研究,透過訪談、觀察、收集文件檔案資料等方式進行資料蒐集,藉以瞭解非專業幼教背景的新手幼兒園主管接任幼兒園後,所遭遇的問題和因應策略,以及其在幼兒園所扮演的角色。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 非專業幼教背景的新手幼兒園主管所遭遇的問題和因應策略 兩位非專業幼教背景的新手幼兒園主管所遭遇到的最大問題皆為人事問題。鄭主管因為沒有專業幼教背景,較無法提供老師們在幼教專業上的知識,因此,造成老師們質疑、無法信服鄭主管的窘境。南主管亦是因為沒有專業幼教背景,無法提供教師專業知識,無法刺激教師在專業上的成長,而無法留住好老師。 研究者離開現場前,兩位研究對象都尚在「肇始階段」也就是「求生階段」:大部分的時間都在進行突發事件的處理;努力讓自己被家長和同事接受;希望安然渡過每一天。鄭主管的困擾來自於資深老師們的負面性評論,並且不希望和老師們處不好而有孤立感;南主管的困擾來自於老師的流動率、老師的請假問題、家長的壓力及工作過量的問題。 研究發現鄭主管會因為焦慮希望獲得他人的支持與認同,學習使用嘗試錯誤的學習方式來解決問題。南主管在家長部份策略的使用上,受到盧主管和玥主管是否支持的影響;在人事和教學部份,南主管讓他人知道督導並非其主要的職責,而她應該是將更多的時間花費在行政事務上。 二、 非專業幼教背景的幼兒園主管在幼兒園裡所扮演的角色 研究發現兩位非專業幼教背景的幼兒園主管在角色扮演部份,因為沒有幼教實務教學的經驗與背景,較無法勝任專業幼兒園主管的角色和工作職掌、特質和能力等。 本研究針對以上發現提出綜合討論,並提供給非專業幼教背景的幼教機構及非專業幼教背景的幼兒園主管、幼教師資培育機構與未來研究者的建議。


The Adaptation Process of Two Unprofessional Novice Nursery Schools Directors Abstract This research used a qualitative research approach to study two unprofessional novice nursery schools directors. Through the interviews, observations and documents, the researcher discovered how the inexperienced directors, without early childhood education background, coped with the problems and difficulties they encountered, and how they managed the qualified and experienced teachers under their supervision. The findings of the study are as follows: How these two unprofessional novice nursery schools directors coped with the problems and difficulties they encountered The most serious problem these two unprofessional novice nursery schools directors encountered was the management of personnel. Ms. Chang, without early childhood education background, could not provide her teachers professional knowledge. Therefore, it caused the qualified teachers to question her ability and made her feel awkward in certain situations. Ms. Nan encountered the same situations as Ms. Chang and again because she did not have an early childhood education background, she could not offer her teachers professional knowledge. She could not facilitate the teachers’ professional growth, which made it difficult to keep good teachers to stay in their nursery schools. These two participants were still at the ‘survival’ stage while the researcher finished this study. They spent most of their time on handle and cope with the incident every day, and try hard to be accepted by the parents. It led to the result that they could only hope that everything was going well daily, and nothing bad happened. Ms. Chang faced the problem of negative criticism from the experienced teachers. She did not like feeling isolated. The problems which Ms. Nan’s faced were high turn-over rate of teachers, teachers’ absence from the school, pressure from parents and heavy work overload. From the observations, Ms. Chang would try to solve her problems by ‘trial and error’. She highly expected to get recognition and support from her colleagues and teachers. Other directors influenced any decision that was made, in regards to dealing with the parents. As to the branch management and teaching, Ms. Nan identified herself not only as a supervisor but an administrator who would spend more time on administration affairs. The role of these two unprofessional novice nursery schools directors This research found that these two directors could not really play their roles with success and handle their jobs properly. Because they didn’t have early childhood professional training and teaching experiences, they couldn’t play appropriate, and multiple roles in nursery schools as other qualified directors. Based on the findings, the researcher gives some suggestions for the unprofessional novice nursery schools, directors, teachers colleges, department of education, and other researchers.




