  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Professional Development of Junior High School Teachers with English Minor

指導教授 : 何英奇


本研究之目的在瞭解受訪英語輔系之國中教師專業發展歷程,在工作中面臨的問題及因應之道,英語輔系之國中教師的生涯選擇歷程,影響其生涯選擇的因素及生涯選擇的結果。研究者邀請七位師範院校畢業,修英語輔系且分發至國中擔任英語教學一年以上,有十年以上之工作經驗,現任或曾任教於國中擔任英語教學,並有意願分享自己經驗的教師參加本研究。運用半結構式的深度訪談進行資料收集,及整理訪談資料。研究發現主要分為三個部分呈現: 一、 英語輔系之國中教師專業發展主題: (一) 大學時專業訓練的感受 (二) 面臨英語教學困境的因應方式:尋求同事的協助、增進自己的英語專業能力、職位或工作單位的轉換、及調整心態。 二、 英語輔系之國中教師生涯轉變歷程: (一) 進入師範院校的原因:依序為家人期望、經濟因素、工作保障、符合興趣。 (二) 選擇英語輔系的原因:英語為有用工具、其次才是興趣。 (三) 生涯選擇的結果:分為樂在教學、無奈教學、行政為主教學為輔、及專職行政四類型。 三、 影響英語輔系之國中教師生涯選擇的因素: (一) 個人方面: 英語專業、本科系的訓練、對工作的角色認定、主動因應的實踐能力。 (二) 工作環境方面: 過度重視升學考試、擔任行政工作機會、進修不易、家庭因素引起之學生問題。 最後則根據本研究之發現與限制,向在職英語輔系之國中教師、教育行政機關及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵字:教師專業發展、英語輔系之國中教師、生涯轉變


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the professional development of junior high school teachers with English minor, the career change of the teachers, the factors that prompted their change and the outcomes of their change. A total of seven junior high teachers with English minor, who have English teaching experience for more than 1 year and working experience for more than 10 years, were recruited for this study. One or two sessions of semi-structural in-depth interview for each were taped and transcribed into verbatim transcripts. The data were analyzed according to the principle of phenomenological approach. The major findings are as follow: I. The ways junior high school teachers with English minor coping with working problems were composed of: seeking assistance from collegues, improving proficiency in English, transfer of position, mentality adjustment. II. The career change process of junior high school teachers with English minor: A. Parents' expectation, family financial status, job guaranty and individual’s interest are the main reasons of entering normal schools. B. English being a useful tool and individual’s interest the main reasons of taking minor in English. C. The outcomes of career change were composed of four types: teaching happily, teaching unwillingly, administration overweight teaching, and full time administration. III. The factors that prompted teachers’ career chang were composed of: A. Personal factors: professional training of English, professional training of their majors, the identity of their job, and the ability of practicing actively. B. Working environmental factors: the maximizing of high-entrance examinations, the opportunity of taking up administrative positions, the difficulties of receiving in-service education, and the student problems caused by family factors. C. . The adaptational outcomes of these beginning teachers were composed of: new self identity, new teacher role identity and expectation, positive self attitude, change of perceived work stress, and new expectation for the future. 5. The influences of neighborhood and school culture. Lastly, the main issues embedded in the professional development of junior high school teachers with English minor were addressed. The limitations of the research method employed were discussed. Based of the above findings, discussions and suggestions for practical pplication and the future researcher were also presented. Key Words: professional development of teachers, junior high school teachers with English minor, carrer change




