  • 學位論文


A Study of Establishing a High Quality School- Teaching Efficacy Centered

指導教授 : 溫明麗博士


本論文旨在探討提升教師效能以營造優質學校之策略,首先以文獻探討確認優質學校的本質及條件、教師效能的定義與高效能教師的特徵,其次以一所私立中學為研究個案,以檔案文件分析法、觀察法、訪談法理解其校園文化的特色,及其中三位教師的教學特色,其後,針對個案學校提出問題解決的策略。 經由文獻探討,本論文有以下發現: 一、社會對優質學校的看法日趨多元化,但以培養能貢獻所長、服務社會的傑出人才為重心。 二、優質學校應能塑造明確的學校願景、建構有利教學的校園文化,並擁有高效能教師以執行教學活動,使學生透過教育成為傑出人才。 三、「教師信念」是「教學行為」的心理基礎,「教學行為」則是「教師信念」的外在表現,二者的交互作用會影響教師效能的高低,積極正向的教師信念可促使教師有優良的教學行為,產生較高的教師效能。 四、塑造願景、建構校園文化、發揮教師效能均須透過教育人員之執行才得以完成,是故營造優質學校之先決條件為培養優質的教育人員。 並以上述文獻探討為基礎,進行實證研究與分析,得到以下有利於提升教師效能的結論: 一、具體而明確的學校共同願景 二、富有愛與尊重的校園文化 三、有專業領導能力的行政團隊以提供高品質的服務 四、有激勵教師研究風氣的具體作法以鼓勵教師研究 五、以有效的教學回饋機制具體瞭解教學成效 以上,提供有意營造優質學校之教育團隊,做為經營學校之參考。


The purpose of this paper was trying to find out the strategic methods of creating teacher efficiency to establish a high quality school. First, by reviewing the documentation, the elements and criteria of a high quality school are confirmed; definition and traits of a high-efficient teacher are given. Then, a case-study was conducted in the high quality school where the researcher presently works. The characteristics of the school, and problems as well, were presented through the methods of data-analysis, observation, interview, and so on. Finally, some problem-solving solutions were made. The findings of the documentation research were as follows: i. The definition and expectation from this society to a high quality school are diverse. But still, cultivation of elite is stressed. ii. A high quality school preserves a clear vision, creates a better learning environment, gives more supports to high-efficient teaching activities, and make better students through education. iii.“Teaching principle” is the psychological basis of “teaching behavior”; “Teaching behavior” is the fulfillment of the “teaching principle.” These are two positive influential factors of teaching efficiency. iv. In order to establish a high quality school, high efficient teachers and school personnel must be cultivated first. And the results of the case-study research were as follows: Some helpful factors enhancing the establishment of high efficient teacher were: i. A school with concrete visions ii. A school full of love and respect iii.A professional administrative team providing high quality services iv. A school with encouraging methods toward teachers’ research. v. An efficient reflection feedback system to concretely understand teaching effects.


