  • 學位論文


A Study on Hsueh- hai Academy in Ching Taiwan

指導教授 : 周愚文


本研究以清代北臺灣的政治、經濟與社會概況為基礎,透過清代臺灣相關方志、一般史料、文人作品、族譜及日治時期總督府檔案及報紙資料,輔以今人論述,旨在探討清代學海書院的興衰、建置及其影響,所獲致的結論如下: 一、 學海書院創建於道光年間,北台經濟發展有成,而社會普遍趨利若鶩、浮誇奢華、逞兇鬥狠及文教不彰的環境下,在地方官員的推動及仕紳勸捐經費、擔任職事人員的努力,屹立於艋舺達五十二年,日治以後收歸國有,歷經軍兵宿舍、國語學校臨時事務所及第二附屬學校、書房,最後成為高氏宗祠,卸去書院的角色,走下歷史的舞台。 二、 學海書院依照其成立的目的及教學的內容,可歸類為考課式書院。內部組織上,學海書院則有科層化的趨勢。經費方面,書院的產業來源可分為官撥及民捐兩大部分,不過實際收入並不穩定,常有延欠的情形。建築形式上,是一座東朝西的三進式四合院,其空間的配置展現傳統儒家教育的精神與理念。而從古匾、楹聯及各項訓示中呈現的教學內涵,比臺灣其他書院來得正面積極,以隱喻的方式作鼓勵和規勸。此外,學海書院對院中學子資助盤費,對士子的赴試,實有莫大的助益。在祭祀方面,學海書院以朱子為祭祀對象,並且撥給較多祭祀經費,足見其對精神空間的重視。 三、 學海書院所培養北台仕紳在文教、社會與政治各方面的事蹟,就整體而言,於文教方面著力甚多,遠超過在政治及社會上的表現,學海書院所設立的時間在清朝的中後期,其所培育出的士子也多半在清末以及日治初期見用於世。不僅促進活潑的社會流動,對北台文風的提昇,亦有相當貢獻。就書院與地方發展來看,在台北地區,教育發達的程度如同經濟發展一般,亦是以艋舺為中心,越往盆地邊緣則中舉人數越少。學海書院是士子相互觀摩學習、陶冶的場所,而士子是地方菁英領袖,對化民成俗更有深遠功效,民風淳厚,端賴於此。 關鍵詞 : 學海書院 台灣書院 清代北台灣 艋舺


This study is based on the political, economical and social situation in northern Taiwan in Ching Dynasty. The main purpose of this paper is to study the ebb and flow, organizational system and the effect of Hsueh-hai Academy by the local gazette, the official documents, the works of elites, the genealogy(tzu-p'u)in the Ching Dynasty and Archive of the Office of Governor-General and newspapers under the Japanese ruling. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. Hsueh-hai Academy was founded in reign Tao- kuang when the development of northern Taiwan had some attainments, but the people scrambled for money, were indulgent in luxurious and expensive habits, acted violently but run short of culture and education. The local officers set into action and elites donated to Hsueh-hai Academy. It has stood on Meng-chia for fifty-two years. Under the Japanese ruling, it has been changed to military dormitory, temporary office and Affiliated School of National Language School and traditional private school. Finally, Hsueh-hai Academy was bought by the Kao’s family as an ancestral temple. 2. According to the purpose and teaching content, Hsueh-hai Academy was a Academy for preparing imperial examination. Its organization tended to be bureaucratic. About the budget, its income came from official subsidy and non-governmental donations, but it’s not steady. On Campus, it was a courtyard with houses on four sides showing the Confucian spirit and ideal. The instruction of this Academy was more positive, and metaphor was used to inspire and advise students. Besides, it sponsored the students to take part in imperial examination. Chu-tzu was worshiped at Hsueh-hai Academy, which expensed most of the budget. 3. The students of Hsueh-hai Academy had contribution on culture, education, society and politics. No matter in Ching Dynasty or under the Japanese ruling, they exerted themselves to culture and education more than other aspects. Hsueh-hai Academy not only promoted dynamic social mobility but also enhanced the rate of literacy in northern Taiwan. In Taipei, the process of development that education was the same as that of economy. The farther location from Meng-chia, the fewer of Confucian scholar passed imperial examination. Hsueh-hai Academy was an important institution that cultivated the elites who changed the customs and habits in northern Taiwan. Key words: Hsueh-hai Academy, Taiwan Academy, Meng-chia.


Hsueh- hai Academy Taiwan Academy Meng- chia



