  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 方進隆博士


摘要 運動場館委託經營質性探討運動場館委託經營方向與執行效益,對於運動場館委託經營規劃評選、經營架構、權責分工、設計經營利潤、營運組織建制與經營管理重心,透過經營服務、品質經營管制、管理目標及經營評價等進行剖析,研擬運動經營策略提供經營管理參考。 量化研究以問卷設計經專家信度效度檢驗後,以隨機取樣獲162份有效問卷;從事調查市民顧客使用滿意度與運動行為,從不同性別、年齡、學歷、背景、居住地、運動習慣、運動經驗統計呈現91.2%高滿意度。市民顧客對運動中心設施與經營服務有92%表示滿意。市民運動行為與使用者對運動中心與滿意度呈現正相關P< .05;市民到市民運動中心參與運動表示滿意;92%自覺在體能有積極增進。運動行為因運動設施設備標準化、運動氛圍、使用價值性與教學活動規劃安排提高滿意度;對運動場館經營安全管理與服務表示滿意。未來仍續有努力增強服務與宣導空間;增辦競賽活動,促進運動技能水準,提昇場館經營效能,是未來探討課題。 營運廠商初期營運盈收未符合預期;應檢驗是否錯估市場行情或規劃不周,未來應加強開發市民喜愛活動,結合社區總體經營努力。臺北市政府應審慎檢討營運收益釐清給付標準,精算回饋金額度,尋求有效策略落實經營效能。全市總體營造能規劃以點擴散,續求量之增加再求質性提昇。再結合運動科學與醫學探索體育運動技能測驗發展結果,提供運動健身教育功能;加強監督管理,建立營運績效評鑑指標,將運動中心營運成效納入評鑑。


Abstract In order to promote athletic health policies, the Taipei Municipal Government has built a multi-purpose gym that can seat 15,000 in addition to building 12 sports complexes in its judicial districts. The government has entrusted private enterprises to run these sports facilities aimed at increasing the municipal revenues, facilitating sportive activities for civilians’ healthy life styles, reducing public health subsidiary costs, and improving the quality of life of its civilians. This research examines the administrative direction of entrusted private enterprises, and their executive efficiency. Discussions also center on the selection of entrusted operational design of sports centers, administrative organization, distribution of responsibilities, expected profits, establishment of operational organization, and management focus. Through analysis of services, quality control, managerial goals, and administrative evaluation, this study intends to provide athletic administrative strategies for references. After the examination and approval of the research survey by specialists, the survey was sent to study customer satisfaction level and sportive behavior. 162 valid surveys were randomly selected and analyzed. Through case studies of users of different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, residential areas, sports habits, and sports experiences of the users, the research outcome showed that 91.2% of the users are satisfied with the sports experience at the centers; 92% are satisfied with the sports facilities and administrative service. Sports behavior is significantly( P<.05 )with the satisfaction level of sports centers. Users are in general satisfied with their participation in the sports centers; 92% have seen positive influences on their physical conditions; satisfaction level of sports behavior is highly related to the standardization of sports facilities, environment, usage of sports facilities, and coordination of instructional activities. Users are also satisfied with the safety and service of the sports centers. The satisfactory level of facility fees suggested room for service improvement and publicity. How to increase competitive activities, to raise athletic ability level, and to improve managerial efficiency of the sports centers should be focus for future studies. The overall enterprises’ operational profits did not reach expectation. Marketing reach accuracy or design imperfection needs to be examined. Under the continuous managerial pressure, civilians’ favorite athletic activities need to be promoted. Community administrative direction needs to be integrated. The municipal government should examine profit payment standard, calculate payback amount, and design effective strategies to ensure administrative efficiency. Activities should be organized for each region to ensure quantity prior to quality. Athletic and medical sciences should be integrated to study the outcomes of athletic ability testing to enhance educational function of athletic health; calculate meticulously payback amount to the community, enforce supervision, establish evaluation goals for operational efficiency, and include operational efficiency of the sports centers in the evaluation.


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