  • 學位論文


The study of the relation between Computer-Mediated Communication and Organizational Communication Satisfaction for Elementary School Teachers in Taipei County

指導教授 : 楊國賜博士


臺北縣國民小學教師電腦中介傳播與組織溝通滿足關係之研究 摘要 本研究主要的目的在瞭解臺北縣國民小學教師的電腦中介傳播與組織溝通滿足關係與影響程度,研究採問卷調查方式,以立意取樣,選取臺北縣公立國民小學為研究對象,共發出700份,回收有效問卷532份(85%),採SPSS統計軟體,以平均數、標準差、T考驗、ANOVA、相關及迴歸等統計方法分析,所得結果如下: 一、 臺北縣國民小學教師在電腦中介傳播及組織溝通滿足的表現整體而言偏向高分,分別在「全球資訊網」及「與同事的溝通」得分較高。 二、 臺北縣國民小學教師電腦中介傳播在性別、年齡、任教年資、教育程度等變項無顯著差異,但在職務變項上則有顯著差異。 三、 臺北縣國民小學教師組織溝通滿足在性別、年齡、任教年資、教育程度等變項無顯著差異,但在職務變項上則有顯著差異。 四、 臺北縣國民小學教師電腦中介傳播各層面「全球資訊網」、「電子郵件」與組織溝通滿足的「與行政人員溝通」、「整體組織的溝通運作」、「與同事的溝通」、「溝通氣氛」及「非正式的溝通」皆存在顯著正相關。 五、 臺北縣國民小學教師不同背景變項與電腦中介傳播對「組織溝通滿足」層面之多元逐步迴歸分析結果顯示,以「全球資訊網」、「電子郵件」、「職務」三個變項具有顯著的預測力。 六、 臺北縣國民小學教師根據文獻及研究結果,建議 1、教育主管機關建議為寬籌經費,補助學校更便捷的電腦中介傳播系統,有助組織溝通的滿足,達成學校教育目標。 2、學校及教師建議為鼓勵教師積極參與校務,提升教師對學校行政的瞭解。 3、鼓勵教師與行政間使用電腦中介傳播溝通,以收事半功倍之效迎接數位化的時代。 4、藉由電腦中介傳播的特性,成立非正式的虛擬化組織提升組織溝通的滿意度增進學校效能。 關鍵詞:電腦中介傳播(Computer-Mediated Communication)、組織溝通滿足(Organizational Communication Satisfaction)


The study of the relation between Computer-Mediated Communication and Organizational Communication Satisfaction for Elementary School Teachers in Taipei County Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the relation and influence between Computer-Mediated Communication and Organizational Communication Satisfaction for Elementary School teachers in Taipei County. This research takes the method of questionnaires. The sampling is based on intention; the public elementary schools in Taipei County are selected. 700 copies of questionnaires were released, in which 532 effective ones were retrieved (85%). The data was analyzed with SPSS statistic software; the averages, standard deviation, T-Test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple stepwise regressions were also applied in the research. The main findings are as below: 1. The overall scores are relatively high on the performance of Computer-Mediated Communication and Organizational Communication Satisfaction for Elementary School Teachers in Taipei County. Higher scores appear respectively on “Global Information Internet” and “Colleague communication.” 2. On Computer-Mediated Communication, there is no significant difference on “Gender,” “Age,” “Seniority,” and “Educational background”; however, the variant “Job Post” does make significant difference. 3. On Organizational Communication, there is no significant difference on “gender,” “age,” “seniority,” and “educational background”; however, the variant “Job Post” does make significant difference. 4. There exists a positive relation between “Global Information Internet” “Mobile Phone” “Email” on Computer-Mediated Communication and “Communication with administration” “Communicational Operation of the organization” “Colleague Communication” “Communication atmosphere” and “Informal Communication” on Organizational Communication Satisfaction. 5. There is a significant predictability on the four variants “Global Information Internet” “Mobile Phone” “Email” and “Job Post” on the analysis of multiple stepwise regressions, which is made with the “Different background” of the Taipei County elementary school teachers towards the “Organizational Communication Satisfaction” in computer-mediated communication. 6. According to the documents and the result of this research, several suggestions are proposed. (1.) To the authorities concerned: Raise more funds to help school establish convenient computer-mediated communication system. This can improve the satisfaction of organizational communication to achieve the goals of school education. (2) To schools and teachers: Encourage teachers to participate in school affairs, which would promote teachers’ understanding on school administration. (3) Encourage the use of computer-mediated communication between teachers and administrative staff to enjoy the efficiency of digital age. (4) Establish informal visualized organization to promote the organizational communication satisfaction and accelerate school performance. Key words: Computer-Mediated Communication, Organizational Communication satisfaction




