  • 學位論文


An Online Multimedia Courseware Storyboard Development System Incorporate with the Quality Evaluation Mechanism

指導教授 : 張國恩教授 宋曜廷教授




This study developed an on-line multimedia courseware storyboard system. We used three main theories to construct this system. First, the system used instructional design templates of learning object to improve the efficiency of instructional design. Second, the system was designed by systematic instructional design theory to increase the efficiency of instructional design process, and develop the course, the multimedia storyboard and the multimedia teaching materials. Third, the system embedded formative evaluation to increase the quality of the courses and the multimedia teaching materials. The system would record the progress of the users who design the courses and the teaching materials. We would discuss the users’ attitude and thought of the on-line multimedia courseware storyboard system.


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