  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 余 鑑 于俊傑


中文摘要 本研究是基於研究者在職務上對於HRIS(Human Resource Information System,)一直有著密不可分的關係,並且對於HRIS的建置、需求修正,乃至目前所在職企業的HRIS的合併,皆參與其中。對於HRIS整體流程的熟悉,所以產生了對HRIS這個方向做一個研究探究的興趣。 在參與企業個案合併的過程裡,HRIS的合併是我們與IT部門共同合作的最主要專案,所以使研究者有了想要探究在這個購併案HRIS合併的過程中,成功的關鍵因素與需要再改進的建議方向有那些?以提供個案企業若還有接續的購併案進行時,可以參考研究者的發現及建議,做為未來HRIS專案進度裡在滿意部份的維持及建議的部份做為改進的參考指標。 本研究是利用質性研究中個案分析法,使用深度訪談法來搜集彙整資料,希望透過這樣的方式,能更深層的去瞭解參與購併案HR參與人員的想法。問卷調查分析是利用IPA,將合併後象限一的「高績效區」及象限三「次要區城」做分析,在問卷調查與質化的過程裡,都透露出參與專案團隊對系統的優質化與專案的事前規劃有著深切期待,系統可以提供更優質的環境,讓人力資源的各項功能都可以憑藉HRIS的協助,能提供更精確的資訊。 本研究的研究對象,以參與個案的購併金控案的所屬人力資源人員,專案團隊包括金控、證券、銀行、期貨、投信等部門人員。以親身參與的現身說法,及問卷的調查,應證研究主題的信、效度。 並利用問卷調查的問卷分析,將滿意程度的部份加以分析研究,研究發現,參與專案團隊最滿意也最不滿意的都是在系統的支援,所以現況的HRIS還有很大的空間可以進步。 研究發現,在系統面「企業對系統導入專案予以充份之授權」、「合併前系統己做適用性的評估」、「系統合併前做好合併進度的規劃與排程」是專案團隊認定的關鍵成功的因素。 在人員方面,對於「HRIS各子系統連線方式合併前己就緒」、「提升組織內部支援人力資源運作的能力」、「對於系統使用者提供系統運作的教育訓練」亦是專案團隊認定的關鍵成功的因素。 本研究的成功關鍵因素如下所述: 1. 企業對系統導入專案予以充份之授權 2. 提升組織內部支援人力資源運作的能力 3. 系統合併前做好合併進度的規劃與排程 4. 合併前系統己做適用性的評估 5. HRIS各子系統連線方式合併前己就緒 6. 對於系統使用者提供系統運作的教育訓練 綜合研究結果和研究結論提供給後續研究者或個案公司的建議如下: 1.加強系統問題解決能力 2.加強系統各模組己備置就緒HRIS的合併作業 3.加強與其它系統的整合程度良好 4.強化系統品質良好,如正確性、完整性、即時性 5.加強安撫排除合併員工對於新系統導入的抗拒 6.強化對於系統新手使用的防呆設計 7.提高系統操作介面的簡便性


ABSTRACT This research is based on the strong relationship between the researcher’s job and HRIS. The researcher had participated before in the construction and correction of this system. Hence, there is already a familiarity with the processes of HRIS, and the idea to research this system was brought up. During the M&A process of the participant company, our main project in cooperation with the IT department, was the HRIS merger. Thus, the researcher wants to find out what are the key factors involved in this HRIS merger case and what else can be done to improve it. As a by-product, several recommendations can also be made to the subject company for future M&A projects. This study is based on the methodology of qualitative research. Through interviews and data collection, we understood the thoughts of the staff who participated in the merger project. The quantitative analysis is done by analyzing the outcome using IPA. In the process of qualification and quantification, it revealed that the team members are anticipating the new system, which can provide a better environment and improve the performance of human resource management. The research object includes financial holding corporations, securities, banks, and so on. These institutions had participated in the project, hence increasing the reliability and validity of this research. This research found that both the most and the least satisfying part is the support structure of the system. Therefore, the HRIS still have room for improvement. For the system part, project team defined key success factors include “fully empower team members in system introduction”, “have evaluated the system applicability before merging”, and “have well-planned schedules before system merge”. From the personnel part, it is shown that “being ready before merging every HRIS subsystems”、 “promote the ability of supporting human resource in the organization” and “provide training to system users” are also key success factors. The key success factors are as follow: 1. fully empower team members in system introduction 2. have evaluated the system applicability before merging 3. have well-planned schedules before system merge 4. being ready before merging every HRIS subsystems 5. promote the ability of supporting human resource in the organization 6. provide training to system users Integrating the research outcomes and conclusions, we provided some recommendations as follow: 1. strengthen the ability of problem solving in the system 2. strengthen the merging operation with all modules in the system 3. strengthen the integration with other systems 4. improve the system’s quality 5. soften the resistance of employees in accepting the new system 6. strengthen the design for new users 7. improve the ease of operating the new system


丁雪茵、鄭伯壎和任金剛 (1996)。質性研究中研究者的角色與主觀性,本土心理學研究,第6 期,頁354-376。
楊孟麗、謝水南(譯)(2005)。教育研究法:研究設計實務。Jack R. Fraenkel & Norman E. Wallen著。台北:心理。


