  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Experiential Marketing, Brand Image and Customer Loyalty for Table Tennis Club:A Case Study of Hua-Chiang Table Tennis Club in Taipei

指導教授 : 張少熙


近年來運動休閒產業已是主流產業之一。由於成立桌球館成本較低,加上許多桌球運動員退役後便投入俱樂部的經營,桌球俱樂部的數量正持續成長。本研究以華強桌球訓練中心之消費者為調查對象,旨在探討桌球俱樂部體驗行銷、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之關係。以立意抽樣法,利用線上問卷進行調查。分析105份有效問之結果顯示 (一) 主要消費者背景為:男性、未婚、18至24歲之間、教育程度為大專院校、職業為學生、月收入為20,000 (含) 元以下。主要消費特性為:前往華強桌訓的頻率為每月小於一次、平均待在華強桌訓的時間是2至3小時、消費原因為交通便利。(二) 華強桌訓有良好的體驗行銷、品牌形象及高顧客忠誠度。(三) 前往華強桌訓的頻率對體驗行銷、品牌形象及顧客忠誠度具有顯著差異。(四) 體驗行銷、品牌形象及顧客忠誠度各構面之間皆呈現顯著正相關。依據研究結果提出結論與建議,企業應重視並改善行銷的策略,具有良好的體驗行銷能幫助建立正面的品牌形象及提高顧客忠誠度。建議未來研究可嘗試以不同的研究方法進行探討,使桌球運動的相關研究更加豐富。


In recent years, the sports and leisure industry has become one of the mainstream industries. The number of table tennis clubs is growing, which resulted from the relatively low cost of established a table tennis club, and additionally, the fact that many table tennis players join the operation of table tennis clubs after retirement. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship among experience marketing, brand image and customer loyalty of the table tennis club. The research was conducted using online surveys, of which the respondents are customers of Hua-Chiang Table Tennis Club. A total of 105 valid questionnaires were obtained. For the characteristics of customers, the result showed that the majority of them are unmarried males aged 18-24, which educational background and occupation are colleges/universities and students, respectively. The average monthly income of the customers is below NT$ 20,000. The frequency of visiting the Hua-Chiang table tennis club is less than once per month. The customers chose this club because of good public transport and they spend 2 to 3 hours each time on average. Hua-Chiang Table Tennis Club has established good experience marketing, brand image, and high customer loyalty. The frequency of visiting the Hua-Chiang table tennis club showed significant differences in experience marketing, brand image, and customer loyalty. There was a significantly positive correlation between experience marketing, brand image, and customer loyalty. A company with successful experiential marketing can build a strong brand image, trust, and loyalty with customers. As a result, one should value and optimize its marketing strategy. Further studies utilizing different methods regarding this issue are needed to provide diverse aspects and enrich the research in the table tennis industry.


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