  • 學位論文


Relationship of Logo Construction and Employee Performance in District Office, Taipei City: The Symbolic Interactionism Perspective

指導教授 : 呂育誠


近年來,政府機關對於形象標誌的建構情形越來越普遍,但是在形象標誌的必要性、內涵以及欲達成之功能目標等方面,都尚未有明確的定義或指標可依循,故本文藉由符號互動論之理論概念,將地方政府形象標誌的意涵功能聚焦於對公務人員工作的影響,並以台北市區公所形象標誌作為探討之對象,期望藉此瞭解建構形象標誌與地方政府組織運作之間的關聯性。 本文先從形象標誌的相關功能概念與運用範圍切入探討,彙整出台北市各區公所形象標誌的建構情形與意涵特性,並初步分析出形象標誌可能影響區公所員工工作的符號互動構面。在研究方法上,則是以對各區公所主管人員之深度訪談內容為分析之主軸,並透過對部分區公所基層人員的問卷調查做分析之輔助,以了解形象標誌意涵、運用與對區公所人員工作影響的整體情形。 從本研究中可以發現:區公所形象標誌包含有建構者或管理者欲傳達的特定意涵或目標,且能夠使區公所人員產生對機關與工作的向心力及認同,但是這種影響必須在形象標誌充分運用並與人員達成互動的前提下才能發揮功能。但是,形象標誌作為區公所預算外、計畫外的創新作為,多必須耗費額外的人力物力;再加上多數區公所對形象標誌的運用多缺乏延續性,且形象標誌的運用與影響程度主要需視上級管理階層的態度而定,故影響程度仍然有限。 形象標誌的建構對地方政府機關而言,可以是對外之代表性以及形象特色的形塑;對轄區地方特性與需求的回應;以及機關目標與內部人員服務重心的呈現。因此,本研究根據研究發現提出相關的建議:在建構形象標誌時須審慎考量機關與轄區的整體需求;在形象標誌建構與運用上納入內部人員的參與;促成形象標誌與人員之互動,並維持形象標誌在運用上的延續性。


In recent years, logo construction in government agencies has become more and more common, but when it comes to the necessities, contents and goal-achievements of logo construction, there are not much distinctive definitions or standards to follow. This thesis is based on symbolic interactionism to observe the influences of logo construction to the performances of public servants in local governments, using Taipei City District Offices as my case studies in hope to depict the relations between logo construction and the operation of local governments. First, this study would discuss about the functions and the scope of applications of logo construction, in order to sort out the current conditions of logo constructions in Taipei City District Offices and the meaning implicated, also to preliminary analyze how logos could influence the symbolic interactionism dimensions of employees’ performances. Besides having in-depth interviews with the districts’ executive officials as the main researching method, the author also distributed questionnaire surveys to first-line employees as a subsidiary method. By applying the methods mentioned above, the author’s purpose is to understand the meanings and operations/usage of logos, and to further depict the overall situation of its influence to the performance of district offices employees. This study discovers that: the logo of district offices usually represents specific meanings or goals from logo constructors or managers, and has created coherence and a sense of recognition between public servants and district offices. However, these positive influences could exist only when the function of logos are fully operated and interacted with employees successfully. Moreover, the construction of logo produces additional budget pressures for district offices, and innovation that is unplanned, usually takes on additional human and material resources; coupled with the non-continuity usage of logos within most district offices, the usage of logos and their influences still depends on the attitude from the upper-managers. In short, the influence of logos could be limited. The meaning of logo construction could be a process of shaping symbols and distinguish features representing their own organizations for local governments, furthermore, to illustrate the core concepts of service for agencies and public servants. Therefore, based on the research findings of this study, the author aims to make related recommendations by taking agencies and districts’ overall demand into considerations. The author suggests that participation of first-line public servants is crucial, and by enhancing the interaction between logos and employees, the usage of logos could achieve its continuity.




