  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Model for iOS App

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


數位內容產業為新世紀明星產業,由於家用寬頻及行動上網的普及,帶動數位內容蓬勃發展。面對著全球內容產業朝向數位化發展,Apple、Google與Microsoft等國際大廠不斷拓增其應用程式商店的平台內容量,國內外軟體業者亦積極轉型至App的產製。2011年初期,已有300,000套應用程式於蘋果平台的App Store上架,據數位內容產業推動辦公室資料表示,2010年的全球App下載量達110億次,顧客實體消費額由2009年40億美元提升至2010年的70億美元,得知全球App市場成長曲線將持續提升,以及於行動載具上進行加值服務之商業模式已成必行趨勢,目前除了數位遊戲外,並無一個較完整且可確定獲利的商業模式,相關業者對於App內容的商業模式都尚處於嘗試的階段,期待有朝一日可以讓App內容被更多使用者接受。 本研究參考電子市集的交易模式而研擬發展出適用於App供應鏈的多種不同商業模式。藉由分析App之供應鏈,建置開發App之商業模式來媒合交易平台上其各角色(App開發者、App擁有者與使用者)最後,參考學者提出的商業模式文獻、論壇所整理出的App商業模式與國內外成功的App內容案例,輔以個案分析,以App現況與發展趨勢,對App商業模式進行深入探討,以期歸納出目前App成功模式,及未來可採用的商業模式。 最後,本研究完成App各角色與各類型之商業模式設計,加上政府的推動,期望未來可供相關業者參考並將App套入使用,進而達到獲利的目標。


數位內容 電子市集 App 商業模式 供應鏈


Digital content is the important industry, due to the popularity of home broadband and mobile Internet, led the vigorous development of digital content. The face of the global content industry towards the digital development, Apple, Google and Microsoft and other international companies constantly expanding to increase the amount of content of its application store platform. Domestic and foreign software industry also positively transform to production of App. In early 2011, there’re 300,000 applications in the Apple App Store. According to the data representation of the Digital Content Industry Promotion Office in 2010 the global App downloaded over 11 billion customer entity spending by $4 billion in 2009 increased to $7 billion in 2010. Learned that the global App market growth curve will continue to enhance, as well as the mobile for value-added services business model has become a must trend. In addition to the digital game, there're not more complete and profitable business model can be determined. The relevant industry business model for App content is still in the trying stage, hoping the App content is more user acceptance one day. This study refers to the E-marketplace business models intended to develop an App supply chain with a variety of different business models. By the analysis of App of the supply chain, to build the development App of the business model to match on the trading platform of its various characters (App developer, App owner and user). Finally, the reference to scholars of business model literature, forums sorted out App business model at home and abroad successful App contents of the case, with case studies, the current situation and development trend of App-depth discussions on App business model, in order to summarize the current App successful model, and the future can be the business model. This study completes the design of the App various characters with various types of business model, coupled with government promotion, and look forward to the next available reference to the related industry, to achieving the goal of profit.


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林佳俞(2015)。台灣 APP 廠商廣告行為之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00220
