  • 學位論文


Practicing Gender Politics in Daily Lives: An Ethnographic Study in An Elementary Classroom

指導教授 : 王雅各


本文研究的目的,是研究者以一個圈內人與圈外人的雙重角色,觀察一個國小高年級的教室裡性別政治的實踐。兒童的性別概念初步的的雛形是來自兒童觀察學習原生家庭成員間的互動。由於一般家庭中仍普遍存有父權社會的性別刻板印象,因此孩子們所表現出來的,有些是自處於「性別區隔」者而不自知,恪守著傳統性別刻板印象而在生活中實踐,並以此為標準的「要求」其他同學。有些則是對於傳統性別刻板印象有著彷彿揹著包袱的壓力,但卻又不知該如何表達其不安,更不知道自己的性別意識已逐漸萌芽。 基於此背景與脈絡,本論文提出以下的研究問題:一、教師本身之性別意識與在生活中的落實是否對學生有成效?二、Parsons, Frieze, & Ruble(1976)所提出的行為互動模式(interactional model)中,工作者除了幫助女性看到建構這些個人態度與特質的社會化歷程(B),以及建構此社會化歷程的文化、政治、經濟結構(A)外,這些社會化歷程(B)是否影響個人的態度、價值、情緒(C)並影響其對於女性價值的抉擇與行為(E)?三、是否可以證明社會化歷程對11、12歲學童性別意識概念的形成更甚於生理層面的影響?本文的研究取向,是從具有自我意識的生命個體(國小高年級學童)在日常生活所表現出的行為中取得觀察資料並加以驗證分析。本研究使用參與觀察及焦點團體,作為主要的研究方法。本研究也採取學生的作業及學習單等文本資料中,關於性別意識的探討加以整理與分析。 本研究依據Nacy Chodorow(1978)對於兒童的性別角色的發展理論,輔以研究者在田野中的觀察,發展出有別於Parsons, Frieze, & Ruble(1976)所提出的行為互動模式(interactional model),認為女性學童在經歷父母、學校、同學、媒體等的社會化歷程,是會影響其個人的態度、價值與情緒,而更進一步的會影響其在性別議題上的抉擇與行為表現。研究發現,女孩子並不是一般人所認為的沒有自主性的概念及想法,也不若一般人所謂的軟弱不敢嘗試,而是因為大環境普遍沒有給她們自主的機會,也證實古老的心理分析理論忽略女孩子的成長經驗,而提出偏頗的性別概念發展過程。若是老師具有性別意識並且給予不同性別孩童生理上的尊重,提供均等的發展機會,他/她們的表現是可以並駕其驅的。 在最後結論的部分,研究者針對家庭教育、學校及國家教育單位提出建議,性別平等真正的落實必須由孩子們第一個接觸到的團體-家庭與教育單位的共同努力。老師更應該加強自己本身的性別意識,研究發現,若是老師具有真正性別平等意識,則孩子們在經過長時間與老師的互動之後,性別意識也會逐漸萌芽,並且更懂得尊重他人,甚至能夠影響其原生家庭的性別意識。


The purpose of this study, as the researcher plays in a dual role of insiders and outsiders, is to observe the practice of gender politics in a higher grade elementary classroom. The concept of genders of Children initially comes from children's observation of the interaction between family members of the original family. Due to the gender stereotypes in a patriarchal society existing generally in average families, children may abide by such traditional concept and have it practice in their lives. Children are, therefore, expressive of some kind of "Sex Segregation", which children are not even aware of. Based on such a standard, children may "demand" other students to do the same. Some children seem to carry the burden on the traditional gender stereotypes, and yet they do not know how to express their anxiety, even without knowing their gender awareness has begun to sprout. Based on this background and context, this paper presents the following research questions: First question: Will the gender awareness of teachers in practice of their lives be effective for students? Second: Concerning Parsons, Frieze, & Ruble(1976) proposed a behavior interactive model, in which workers help the female to see the construct of personal attitudes and characteristics of social process (B), and the construct of this Socializing process in terms of cultural, political and economic structures (A), Will the socializing process (B) affect the individual's attitudes, values, emotions (C) and also affect the choices and behavior(E) toward the female's value? Third, Will it be shown that the formation of the concept of gender awareness of school children aged 11 and 12 in the socializing process has a greater effect than the in the physiological aspect? This study aims to obtain the information of observations from a self-awareness life of individuals (children in higher grades of an elementary school) demonstrated their behaviors in their daily lives and then give further validations and analyses. This study is to use participant observation and focus groups as the main research methods. The study also adopts student's homework and other text data in a single study on gender awareness, which are collated and analyzed. Based on Nacy Chodorow (1978) in his child's gender role development theory and supplemented with the researcher's field observation, the study is consequently to develop an a behavior interactive model, different from one proposed by Parsons, Frieze, & Ruble (1976). This paper considers that female students experience the socializing process with parents, schools, students, media and others will affect their personal attitudes, values and emotions; furthermore, it will affect their choices and behaviors toward issues of gender. The findings of this study show that girls are not generally regarded that they do not have their independent concept or ideas, nor they are the one so-called too weak to try. On the contrary, it is because the environment in general did not give them an opportunity for their own decision. It further confirms the old psychoanalytic theory ignore the girl's growth experiences, but put forward the bias concept of the development process of gender. If teachers with gender awareness give them respect for child physiology of genders, provide equal opportunities for development so his / her performance can keep pace with one another. In the final conclusion, the researcher will give proposals on family education to schools and national educational institutions. The implementation of gender equality must be conducted in concerted efforts by the families and educational institutions which are children's fist contacts. Teachers should strengthen their own awareness of genders. The findings of the study reveals that if teachers have the awareness of true gender equality, children will gradually realize the gender awareness after a long period of interaction with their teachers, and they will know better how to respect others, and even can affect the original family in terms of gender awareness.


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