  • 學位論文


The Frame and Simulation of Dynamic Spatial Structure Modeling for Multi-Centric City

指導教授 : 劉小蘭
共同指導教授 : 黃書禮


世界上許多的大都會區(megalopolis)都來自小聚落settlements,在都市化及都市蔓延(urban sprawl) 的過程讓都會越來越大,如紐約、上海市及台北市。細胞自動體(Cellular Automata)及競標地租(Rent Function)等都市發展與都市經濟理論都沒有真正回應中地理論(Center Place Theory)的多核心空間結構(multi-centric spatial structure)。本研究企圖經由整合經濟行為的效用函數(utility function)、細胞自動體的近鄰模式(neighborhood modeling)、與中地理論的需求門檻(Demand Threshold) 研擬多核心都市層級動態發展的架構,進行不同狀況的都市發展模擬(simulation),以瞭解層級(hierarchy)狀況、渦輪發展(Turbo-cornutus),與道路系統及公共設施配置等對都市多核心的動態分佈的影響。並提供規劃者在進行市區空間配置時有實質的建議。多核心都市動態空間結構模式架構(Dynamic Spatial Structure Modeling For Multi-Centric City, DSSM)是經由系統論(system theory)的方式組合都市內互動的部門(sector),建立各部門的效用函數與生產函數(production),確立一般近鄰與門檻近鄰(general neighborhood modeling and threshold neighborhood modeling)的條件,建立模擬的整合模式,進行不同狀況的模擬,利用敏感性分析(sensitivity analysis)都市多核心的動態分佈、層級狀況、渦輪發展與道路系統與公共設施(infrastructure)配置等對核心的影響。並藉由實際發展案例的觀察分析,提供不同時空都市發展的特性作為模擬的參考。模型架構與模擬則以初步無道路的均質平原作模擬,並藉此建立整個模擬的架構;其次進行具有道路系統的模擬,此包含直角道路系統與非直角的道路系統;繼之為進行含有公共設施區位的模擬,研究都市核心發展受便利性公共設施的影響;實際案例模擬,一以宜蘭市新縣政中心的發展作初步的模擬,研究新市區發展初階段時的使用者分佈狀況,二以宜蘭市文化中心地區進行歷史發展的模擬,驗證DSSM模型在低密度住宅社區與大學所在地曾經歷的發展。研究中發現:由於中產階級及工商服務業的興起,家庭出現大量至核心的非就業旅次,其成本的降低為造成大都會的重要原因之一;由於核心-腹地的等租金曲線(iso-rentline)次遞形成的幾何現象,使得新高層核心得以出現與轉移;因為機會多及腹地呈現酪梨形狀的較一般位置腹地為大,讓幹道上容易出現高層級核心;道路的阻抗(impedance)狀況影響核心-腹地的規模,讓周邊發展形成較小的核心-腹地;雖然公共設施接近核心可以更凝集核心,其設置不宜太近核心而影響核心規模;渦輪發展的三種狀況為環繞、迴轉與跳躍,特別當跳躍時容易形成高層級核心;最後,DSSM模式在實際案例上有不錯的應用。


With many of the megalopolises around the world have all grown from small settlements, the urbanization and urban sprawling process continues to expand the scale of a megalopolis, as seen in New York, Shanghai and Taipei. Urban development and urban economic theories, such as Cellular Automata, Rent Function and the like, have not truly responded to the center place theory’s multi-centric spatial structure. This article attempts to study and devise a multi-center urban hierarchy interactive development framework by integrating the economic behavioral utility function, the cellular automata’s neighborhood modeling, and the center place theory’s demand threshold. It conducts different stages of urban development simulations in order to discern how the hierarchical status, Turbo-Cornutus, and the allocation of roadway systems and infrastructure allocation the interactive distribution of urban centers. The study also aims to offer tangible recommendations for the developer when allocating the urban spatial structure. The dynamic spatial structure modeling for multi-centric city (DSSM) serves to integrate the utility function and production function by the urban interactive sectors using the system theory to ascertain the criteria of a general neighborhood modeling and threshold neighborhood modeling, which can be used to establish a simulated integration model, through which to simulate the different statuses. The sensitivity analysis is used to analyze the impact that a multi-centric urban interactive distribution, hierarchical status, Turbo-Cornutus, and the allocation of roadway systems and public infrastructure have toward the urban centers. Observation and analysis have also been made on actual development case to offer variable of urban spatial development characteristics as references in simulating. The model framework and the simulations were initially sought based on a simple free plain without roadway, which is used to establish the entire simulation framework. Next is a simulation with roadway systems, which includes right angular roadway systems and non-right angular roadway systems. And what follows is s simulation with public facility allocating, which is made to study how urban center development is impacted by the accessibility of infrastructure. In actual case analyses, case one concern with a preliminary simulation on the development of the New County Administrative Center Area in Yilan City, which aims study the state of user distribution during the initial stage of a new urban development; case two pertains to a historical development simulation on Yilan City’s cultural center area, which is tested to validate how the DSSM modeling has development in low-density residential areas and at where the university is located. The study found: the rising of the middle class and the industrial and commercial service industry increasing the non-employment travel trips, the reduced cost of family non-employment travel trips to urban centers have contributed as one of the crucial reasons of shaping a megalopolis; the geometry phenomenon formed by the incrementally diminishing iso-rentline has spawned the emergence and transfer of centers on a higher level of hierarchy system; the plentiful of opportunities and an avocado-shaped periphery that is larger than most ordinary periphery have created a greater tendency for centers on a higher hierarchy to take shape along the major roadways; the state of roadway impedance affects the scale of urban centers and periphery, which in turn creating smaller core-periphery to take shape; the proximity of infrastructure located closer to a center is conducive to solidifying an urban center, yet it is best not to allocate such facilities too close to the center to affect the center’s scale; the Turbo-Cornutus development has three types, which are encirclement, reversal and leaping, particularly so is how leaping has a higher tendency of creating a center on a higher hierarchy; lastly, the DSSM modeling has tested useful applications on the actual case studies.


錢世晧、劉小蘭與詹士樑,(2007),〈兩層級直角及非直角道路的都市空間結構動態模擬〉,中華大學,建築與規劃學報,Vol. 8, No.3,pp. 205-221。
錢世晧,(2007),〈城市發展的動態商業核心-Athens案例研究〉, 2007聯合年會暨論文研討會,成功大學都市計畫系
