  • 學位論文

從顧客旅遊動機與顧客旅遊價值觀點探討 旅遊業整合行銷溝通對顧客旅遊意願之影響 - 蒙古觀光旅遊為例-

A Study on the Effect of Travel Integrated Marketing Communication to Travel Intension via Customer Travel Motive and Customer Travel Values : A Case of Mongolian Tourism

指導教授 : 劉祥熹


旅遊業是一個國家重要產業之一。全球旅遊業及活動目前正處於蓬勃發展的階段,各國都積極地推展旅遊產業,蒙古旅遊業有很多功能,它不但可以增加一國的”無形輸出”,平衡國際收支與繁榮經濟社會,更可以促進國際文化交流,增進國民外交,促進國際間的瞭解與合作。旅遊業強化整合行銷溝通必須瞭解蒙古旅遊動機與價值,才能增加顧客到蒙古旅遊意願。因此,從顧客旅遊動機與顧客旅遊價值觀點探討旅遊整合行銷溝通對蒙古觀光旅遊意願之影響,成為本研究重要的研究課題。本研究以蒙古觀光區旅遊作為主要研究對象,並以其角度觀察蒙古旅遊業者執行旅遊整合行銷溝通的成效,同時以顧客旅遊動機與顧客旅遊價值為中介變數,藉以探討旅遊整合行銷溝通對顧客旅遊意願之影響,以此研究結果堤供蒙古旅遊業者未來經營之參考依據。 本研究採用網路上發放問捲方式來進行人口統計變數ヽ信度與效度檢測ヽ重要度-滿意度交叉分析ヽ因素分析ヽLISREL… 等相關劑量方法進行實證分析,發現旅遊動機與旅遊價值確實是整合行銷溝通對顧客旅遊意願的中介變數。依據本研究結果所獲資訊,確能提供蒙古旅遊業者制定行銷策略以及顧客旅遊策略之擬定。


The heavy competition within the tourism industry has made it necessary for organizations to focus more on marketing and in particular communication. This thesis is to gain a better understanding of integrated marketing communication in the Mongolian Tourism Industry. In order to develop Mongolian tourism, if need, to build up integrated marketing communication in the tourism of Mongolia and must give special attention to tourist motive and tourist values. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of travel integrated marketing communication to travel intension via of customer travel motive and customer travel values. Main object is Mongolian tourism and how tour operators in Mongolia is performing integrated marketing communication and it’s effectiveness. Also customer travel motive and customer travel value of mediating variables are included in the study. Finally this study examined effects of integrated marketing communication to customer travel intension. Data have been collected in the form of an internet questionnaire. Reliability, validity, importance-satisfaction, factor analysis were conducted. According to the results of LISREL, we discovered that customer travel motive and customer travel values are truly the mediating variables of the effect of integrated marketing communication on customer traveling intension. The results of the empirical study are of practical use in terms of the creation of marketing strategies to Mongolian tour operators. Furthermore, suggestions are also useful for customers.


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