  • 學位論文


A Study on the Regulations of Share Swap in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉連煜 教授


按企業併購若從進行交易所支付之對價而言,除了現金以外,亦可能是股份或其他財產,而在大型併購案件中,企業多傾向採用換股方式作為併購之對價,以避免籌措資金所須支付之成本。我國對於換股之概念,隨著金融控股公司法及企業併購法引進股份轉換法制後,即賦予企業以換股作為併購對價之彈性,並確立以股份轉換創設控股公司之法律依據。另一方面,公司法亦參考美、日立法例,增訂「股份交換」之類似概念,以期有助於公司整體之營運,惟僅以單一條文規範之股份交換制度,是否即得謂我國股份轉換之明文,殊值究明。從比較法之觀點,我國股份轉換法制雖係承襲美、日立法例所制定,惟與美、日所建構之程序、內容以及利害關係人之保護或有不同之處,我國之股份轉換法制是否尚有不足之處,相關配套是否妥適,亦有加以檢討之必要。 本文研究架構概述如下:第一章闡述本論文之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法及論文架構。第二章為股份轉換制度之基本介紹,包括股份轉換之意義、外國立法例、股份轉換之功能及法律性質,並嘗試分析股份轉換與股份交換、股份收購等類似概念之區辨。第三章以股份轉換作為創設控股公司之功能出發,探討控股公司組織之效用與規範,以及股份轉換所創設之控股公司型態;另分別論述以三角合併、營業讓與、公司分割及公開收購等其他創設控股公司之模式,並就程序面分析比較股份轉換與其他創設模式之優劣。第四章則以我國法關於股份轉換法制之建構為中心,內容包含應踐行之基本程序規範及相關法律障礙排除等規定。此外,進行股份轉換可能面臨之法律問題,諸如公平交易之結合管制、庫藏股及交叉持股之處理、董監事之選任及解任,乃至上下市(櫃)之轉換規範,亦一併分析探討,最後,論及股份轉換對於利害關係人之保護。第五章就現行股份轉換法制之缺失逐一檢討,並提出修法建議之前瞻,包括公司法第一百五十六條第六項之股份交換應如何定位,排除與準用規定之妥適性,賦予股份轉換對價多元之彈性,引進股份轉換制度之簡化程序,利益迴避表決之排除及交叉持股之容認等問題,以作為未來修法之參考。第六章則總結各章研究結果作一論結。


Share swap mergers are often used by a large-scale enterprise to avoid the cost of raising capital. With the Financial Holding Company Act and the Merger and Acquisition Law enacted, it is allowed share-for-share swaps between firms in Taiwan. Besides, the article 156 Ⅵ in the amendment Corporation Law in 2002 also provides firms the similar manner for stock exchange. By the method of comparative law, this study focuses on the regulations of share swap under the structure of legal system in Taiwan. First, this article starts from the meaning, function and the legal character of share swap, distinguishing it from the legal meaning of article 156 Ⅵ in Corporation Law and stock acquisition. Second, one of the most important functions of share swap is to build up a holding company. To create a holding company much easier and quickly, further analysis of the advantages and disadvantages through share swap is necessary. Then, introducing the regulations of share swap in Taiwan, including the basic procedure, elimination of provisions relevant to shares issued, and several major questions that involved when share swap is proceeding. As a result of being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the target corporation, this content also concerns about the protection of minority shareholders and creditors. Last, from the view of legislation policy, this article indicates some defects under the current regulations of share swap. Both the Financial Holding Company Act and the Merger and Acquisition Law must be harmonic except the different consideration of legislation. In addition, due to decreasing the cost of business reorganization activity, this article also suggests that it should follow the process of corporation merger or consolidation, such as unrestricted stock for stock exchange and short-form share swap.


