  • 學位論文


The Influence of the Service Convenience and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction-A Case of the Restaurants Industries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝錦堂


台灣的外食人口眾多,依據衛福部委託中研院所做的研究發現,國人在19歲到65歲之間,每天三餐當中平均大約有1.2次外食,會採用外食的方式用餐,主要原因就是在台灣外食非常方便,此外,如果經常重覆前往少數幾家餐館用餐或購買,顯示消費者對於在該餐館用餐或外食服務之服務便利性與服務品質在可接受的範圍之內,因此本研究選擇我國餐館業的服務便利性與服務品質做為研究主題。 本研究以問卷調查的方式收集實證資料,探討服務便利性與服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響。餐館業的服務便利性對服務品質具有正面影響。餐館業者做好決策便利性、取得便利性、交易便利性、利益便利性與交易後利益便利性等各項便利性措施,將會提高顧客對於服務品質的知覺。 其次發現服務便利性的五個構面對顧客滿意度產生正面影響。換言之,餐館業者做好各項決策便利性、取得便利性、交易便利性、利益便利性與交易後利益便利性等各項便利性措施,將會提高顧客滿意度的知覺。 再者,服務品質的五個構面對顧客滿意度產生正面影響。換言之,餐館業者做好各項服務品質的有效性、可靠性、回應性、保證性與同理心等五個措施,將會提高顧客滿意度的知覺。


A lot of people eat out often in Taiwan, according to the research done by Academia Sinica commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, found the people between 19 to 65 years old, they dine out 1.2 times on the average per day, because eating out in Taiwan is very convenient. Besides, if we often go to have a meal or buy the meals in some restaurants, it means the customers can accept the food or the service quality of the restaurants, therefore I choose the service convenience and service quality of the restaurants industry in Taiwan as my research topic. In this study, a questionnaire survey was collected empirical data to investigate the effect of service convenience and service quality to the customer satisfaction. The service convenience of the restaurants industry has the positive impact to the service quality. If a restaurant can take control of the convenience of decision-making, achieved convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, the convenience of after transaction, it will enhance the perception of the customers to the service quality. Besides, in the study the five aspects of the service convenience show the positive impact to the customer satisfaction. In other words, if a restaurant can control the convenience of decision-making, achieved convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, the convenience of after transaction, the industry will enhance the perception of the customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the five aspects of the service quality show the positive impact to the customer satisfaction. In other words, if the restaurants industry can control the effectiveness, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy will enhance the perception of the customer satisfaction.


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