  • 學位論文


A Research on Critical Factors of Fund-Raising Performance for Non-Profit Organizations

指導教授 : 翁興利
共同指導教授 : 施光訓


台灣的非營利組織,對於募款工作的重視遠超越過去幾十年來的概念。我國募款相關研究日益增加,因此,面對募款需求遽增的社會環境,各種的非營利組織相互競爭資源的情況,將愈演愈烈。本研究希望能更深入探討非營利組織,有關其存續的重大議題,探討出影響非營利組織募款成效的關鍵因素,以期待非營利組織能夠更有效的開拓及運用社會資源。 本研究目的在於經由相關文獻分析,整理、歸納出影響非營利組織募款成效的關鍵因子;並透過發放專家問卷來確認關鍵因子,並分析關鍵因子的因果群組關係,以及找出關鍵因子間的相對重要性,最後找出較佳的募款方案,以期作為日後非營利組織進行募款工作時的參考依據。 本研究採取文獻分析法、決策實驗室法與分析網絡程序法。透過文獻分析法歸納影響募款成效的關鍵因子,再以決策實驗室法與分析網絡程序法的專家問卷發放,來找出募款關鍵因子間的權重以及最佳募款方案。 本研究的結論如下: 一、十二個關鍵因子全數保留 二、影響度最高的構面為「服務內涵」構面 三、關聯度最高的構面為「組織活動」構面 四、關聯度較高之因子的影響度偏低 五、「募款規劃」因子為關聯度、影響度平均排名最高的因子 六、「募款人員宗教信仰」因子影響度第二,關聯度為最後 七、「募款工作的執行力」與「募款人員向心力及專業技能」因子為最重要的關鍵因子 八、「募款人員宗教信仰」、「募款領導者」、「可能捐款者範圍」以及「募款方式的傳播」等因子為次要的關鍵因子 九、最佳募款方案為「專案募款方案」


In Taiwan, non-profit organizations attach importance to fund-raising work far beyond the past few decades. Fundraising related research in my country is increasing, therefore, in the face of the social environment which the fundraising demand surge, various non-profit organizations compete with each other resources. This study hopes to more deeply explore the existence of the major issues for non-profit organizations, explore the critical factors, and look forward to non-profit organizations can more effectively develop and use of social resources. The purpose of this study is that analysis on critical factors of fund-raising performance for non-profit organizations through the relevant literatures, and through the issue of expert questionnaire to identify critical factors, and analyze the causal relationship of the critical factors, and to identify the relative importance of critical factors, and finally find a better fundraising program in order to a reference for fundraising work in future for non-profit organizations. This study adopts literature analysis, decision making trial evaluation laboratory and analytic network process. Through literature analysis, summarized the critical factors, and issue expert questionnaires in decision making trial evaluation laboratory and analytic network process to find out fundraising the critical factor in the weight and the best fundraising program. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. 12 critical factors all to retain. 2. The maximum of relation is the surface of service content. 3. The maximum of prominence is the surface of organizational activities. 4. The relation of factor which has higher prominence is lower. 5. The factor of fundraising planning is the highest rank on average for relation and prominence. 6. The factor of fundraising staff religious belief has the second degree in relation, and the final degree in prominence. 7. “The execution in fundraising work” and "the fundraising staff cohesion and professional skills" are the most important critical factors. 8. “Fundraising staff of religious belief,” "fundraising leader," “the range of possible donors” and “the propagation of fundraising way” are the minor critical factors. 9. The best fundraising program is the project fundraising program.


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謝宛娟(2016)。公益事業勸募及企業社會責任關連之研究― 以某醫療基金會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601047
