  • 學位論文


Assessing Carbon Balance of Biopower Generation by Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators

指導教授 : 李育明


再生能源是一種潔淨,且可再造的天然能源,可減緩全球暖化之趨勢。生質能為再生能源的一種,其利用之方使非常多元。我國在能源政策上考慮將焚化廠轉型成「地區生質能源利用中心」,且多數焚化廠都存在著容量過剩的問題,因此本研究主要探討以焚化廠焚燒發電的方式對生質料源進行利用。 本研究主要以生命週期評估,針對狼尾草及培地茅產生生質電能進行盤查分析及碳平衡評估。盤查分析結果顯示,如果料源運送距離為100公里進行計算,由培地茅產生之平均每千度電二氧化碳排放量為2,035.174 公斤;狼尾草因溼基低位發熱量不足,因此必需併合垃圾混燒,每千度電二氧化碳排放量為2,207.701公斤。選擇培地茅為料源,每千度電之二氧化碳排放量較狼尾草低。碳平衡評估部分顯示,如以培地茅為生質電能之料源,具有碳吸存之效果,大約是2,241.213公斤之二氧化碳。 面積約800公頃的關渡平源,於民國93年及94年土壤重金屬抽樣發現,部分農地土壤中砷含量超過土壤管制標準,不適合糧食作物種植,可為生質電能料源之生產之用。本研究最後針對鄰近關渡平源的北投焚化廠轉型為「地區生質能源利用中心」提出相關規劃與操作時之注意事項,供政府發展及規劃時參考。主要規劃方式以培地茅單獨操作,狼尾草併垃圾混燒兩種規劃方式進行規劃。


ABSTRACT Assessing Carbon Balance of Biopower Generation by Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators by Tsao, Hong-Ju July 2009 ADVISOR: Lee, Yuh-Ming DEPARTMENT: INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MAJOR: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMANT DEGREE: MASTER OF ARTS Renewable energy is natural energy which is a clean and can be reproduction. Renewable energy also can retard global warming. Bioenergy is apart of renewable energy which can be used in many way. Municipal solid waste incinerators are considered to become the “Local Bioenergy Utilize Center” in Taiwan energy policy. Many municipal solid waste incinerators’ deign incineration are surplus in Taiwan. Therefor, the purpose of the present study analyses using biomass feedstock to biopower generation by many municipal solid waste incinerators. This study mainly uses the method of life cycle assessment, which is aimed at vetiver grass and napier grass to produce biopower. The result show that if feedstock transportation distance is 100 km, the CO2 emission is 2,035.174 kg in 1000 KWh biopower product by vetiver grass. The npier grass’ low heating value is too low, so must remix municipal solid waste to burn. The CO2 emission is 2,207.701 kg in 1000 KWh biopower product by napier grass. The result of carbon balance show that using vetiver grass to product biopower, the carbon sequestration is 2,241.213 kg-CO2. In 2004 and 2005, the soil examine of Guandu plain show that As’ contnet in the soil is higher than the soil pollution control standard , so can’t use to cultivate the food crop but energy crop can. Finally, this study presents some plans and notes for “Local Bioenergy Utilize Center”.


LCA Biopower Napier grass Vetiver grass


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