  • 學位論文


A Study on Applicable Law of Foreign Consumer Standard Contract

指導教授 : 林益山


產品生產方式自十九世紀工業革命後產生重大變化,使得產品大量生產與提供,傳統當事人個別磋商契約內容之締約方式已不足以應付龐大之交易數量,因而發展出由締約之一方當事人預先擬定契約條款,並以之作為契約內容之「定型化契約」。於「消費性定型化契約」中,契約當事人間處於經濟、資訊上不對等之地位,企業經營者常透過制定定型化契約之機會而為其有利之約定,因而時常成為壓迫經濟上弱勢消費者之工具。於此情形,若仍固守「契約自由原則」,則將使經濟上之強者得肆無忌憚地運用自身之優勢地位,而使消費者成為「契約自由原則」下之犧牲者,因此,實有必要適度限制「契約自由原則」於此類契約之應用,以達到契約正義之實現。此外,隨著國際貿易之日趨發展,契約正義之理想亦應落實於涉外消費性定型化契約中,再加諸「保護弱者原則」乃為近代國際私法學之潮流,消費者亦屬「保護弱者原則」之受保護對象,因而在「涉外消費性定型化契約」準據法之選定上,必須考量消費者利益而設立特殊之選法規範,由國際私法衝突規則原僅重視「衝突正義」,轉而納入「實體正義」之考量,使消費者權益於國際私法之衝突規則規範下,亦能受到適度之保護。 為使涉外消費性定型化契約得透過適切準據法之選定以達成契約正義,本文就涉外契約準據法之重要理論,蒐集國內外相關文獻與立法例並加以分析比較彙整後,歸納出較為合適之準據法選定方式;此外,並蒐集各國與公約針對涉外消費者契約之準據法規範,藉由比較法之研析並結合選法理論之歸納結果後,總結為涉外消費性定型化契約準據法之選法方式。 本文研究主題為如何透過對「涉外消費性定型化契約」準據法之選定,以適度保護消費者權益,共分為六章說明之,第一章為緒論,分別說明本文之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法;第二章係針對「涉外消費性定型化契約」之概念予以介紹,首先介紹「定型化契約」之概念,再說明消費者權利有特別保障必要性,最後再論述涉外消費性定型化契約準據法有獨立規範之必要。第三章係介紹四類主要之涉外契約準據法理論,分別為「當事人意思自主原則」、「最重要牽連關係原則」、「特徵性履行理論」與「即刻適用法」,並就涉外消費性定型化契約應採如何應用此些理論以適切保護消費者權利,提出本文之看法。第四章乃係透過對於世界各國對涉外消費者契約準據法規範之介紹,分析比較各國規範之優缺,以作為涉外消費性定型化契約準據法之參考。第五章乃針對我國現行立法加以檢討,說明應針對涉外消費性定型化契約獨立規範準據法選定方式之必要,並提出本文之修法建議。第六章為結論,總結各章之論述並歸納本文之建議與研究結果。


The way of manufacturing products has changed greatly since the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century and has made the products produced and supplied in a large amount. It couldn’t deal with huge numbers of trades under the way of traditional trade. Therefore, there was a new kind of contract developed ---“standard contract”, which was drafted by one party in advance and became the content of the contract. In “consumer standard contract”, the status isn’t reciprocal on the economy and information between the contracting parties. The enterprises usually set up contract terms favorable to themselves and make the contract become the tool to injure the right of weaker consumer. In this situation, in order to achieve the goal of contract justice and protect consumers’ rights, “the principle of freedom of contract” should be revised appropriately. In addition, with the increasing development of international trades, the ideal of contract justice should be also applied in foreign consumer standard contract. Moreover, “the principle of protecting the weak” which contains the protection of consumers is the trend of modern private international law. Consequently, it is necessary to constitute specific regulations concerning consumer protection in foreign consumer standard contract. In this way, the emphasis on converting “conflicts justice” to “material justice” can protect consumers’ rights through conflict rule of private international law. In order to achieve contract justice by choosing proper applicable law of foreign consumer contract, the thesis collects and analyzes domestic and foreign studies and laws to integrate the adequate theory of applicable law. In addition, the conventions and the regulations concerning applicable law of foreign consumer contract in foreign countries are collected and analyzed. Eventually, the thesis sums up the applicable law of foreign consumer standard contract by combining the analysis of comparative laws and inductive result about the theories of applicable law. How to protect consumers’ rights by choosing applicable law in “foreign consumer standard contract” is the main subject of the thesis, which is composed of six chapters. Chapter 1, as introduction, states the research motive, purpose, range and methods. Chapter 2, as the introduction concerning the concept of “foreign consumer standard contract”, firstly introduces the concept of “standard contract”, and then states that it is especially necessary to protect consumers’ rights. Finally, this chapter illustrates that it is necessary to constitute independently the applicable law of foreign consumer standard contract. Chapter 3 introduces four main theories about applicable law of foreign contract which are “the doctrine of autonomy of the parties”, “theory of the most significant relationship”, “the theory of characteristic performance”, and “the rule of immediate application”. Simultaneously, this chapter illustrates how to protect consumers’ rights by applying these theories to foreign consumer standard contract. Chapter 4 firstly introduces the applicable law of foreign consumer standard contract among foreign countries and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these regulations and takes them for the references concerning the applicable law of foreign consumer standard contract. Chapter 5 reviews current legislation in our country and states that it is necessary to constitute independently the applicable law of foreign consumer standard contract. At the same time, this chapter suggests proposing amendment to current law. Chapter 6, as a conclusion, summarizes the statements of each chapter and compresses the suggestions and result of this thesis.




利唯綸(2015)。涉外契約準據法之研究 - 兼論台灣涉外民事法律之修訂〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0047255
