  • 學位論文


The Effect of Virtual Avatars’ Facial Appearance, Lip-Synchronization, and Sex Appeal upon On-line Advertisements

指導教授 : 方文昌


在過去的研究中已發現虛擬代言人物會帶來正向的廣告效果,但是大部分僅比較虛擬代言人與名人代言的廣告效果,以及少部分探討虛擬代言人不同的臉部特徵所帶來的廣告效果外,幾乎沒有更進一步地探討虛擬代言人物的其他特徵組合會帶來何種效果,而且虛擬代言人物已被企業經常地運用在廣告中,但是中其呈現的廣告效果尚待釐清,故本研究探討不同類型的虛擬代言人物對網路廣告效果的影響,預期將對相關學術研究及實務操作有所貢獻和助益。 本研究以網路廣告之虛擬代言人物的特徵為研究主體,包含虛擬代言人物之臉部特徵(類似真人臉與類似卡通臉)、配音(娃娃音與成熟音)及代言人物之性感程度(高度性感與低度性感),探討消費者對不同類型的虛擬代言人物之認知。本研究以網路使用族群為實證對象,利用實驗設計之方式進行實證,並設計出八個動畫廣告,以網路問卷調查該廣告效果,包含顧客信賴、廣告態度及購買意圖三構面,並採用MANCOVA之統計方法,最後歸納出適合被運用在網路廣告的虛擬代言人物之特徵。 實證結果發現臉部特徵、配音、性感程度都會影響消費者對廣告的信任、態度、以及購買意願,本研究亦發現卡通臉、娃娃音、高度性感的組合是最有廣告效果的,此實證結果能幫助未來網路廣告虛擬代言人物之設計,同時亦能提升網路廣告業者及市場經營者對廣告效果的掌握。


The prior researches have shown that utilizing avatar resulted in positive advertisement effectiveness, but seldom have investigated the features of avatars. To fill the research gap, this study synthesizes three dimensions of virtual spokes-characters, including facial appearance, lip-synchronization, and sex appeal. The features are used to comprehend the effect of online advertising including consumer trust, ad attitudes, and purchase intention. Furthermore, this study can discover what type of animated avatars the consumer prefers, and aid companies in establishing the correct animated avatars for customers in online advertising. The main experiment includes eight conditions, in which each character has a different facial appearance (human-like vs. cartoon-like characters), lip-synchronization (mature vs. childlike voice), and the degree of sex appeal (high-degree vs. low-degree), presenting a hedonic animated on-line advertisement. Using analysis of variance (MANCOVA) to analyze the data and examine the effects of avatars types on advertisement effectiveness. This study confirms that three features of avatar can result in encouraging consumer trust, advertisement attitude, and purchase intention.


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