  • 學位論文

M/M^(N)/K 批次服務系統下平行排隊系統的最佳使用者決策

User optimal policy for a parallel queueing system with state dependent routing under a (M/M^(N)/K) batch service

指導教授 : 白惠明


考慮一個平行排隊系統的網絡,排隊系統 1 為 M/M/1 單一服務和無窮容量的佇列,而排隊系統 2 為M/M^(N)/K 批次服務佇列,其批次大小為 2<=N,且服務人員有限 。在網絡中,使用者選擇一個排隊系統加入,以求在觀察瞬間系統狀態,能使自己在系統的等候時間最小。這裡證得此平行排隊系統存在一個使用者最佳決策(user optimal policy)且該決策唯一。除了針對決策外,本篇論文還探討唐斯-湯姆森(Downs-Thomson)謬論。在此系統下,藉由數值呈現,在狀態相依決策(state-dependent routing)下,唐斯-湯姆森謬論現象相對於比例決策(probabilistic routing)是輕微地。


Consider a system of two queues in parallel, one of which is M/M/1 single-server infinite capacity queue, andthe other M/M^(N)/K batch service queue,where batch size 2<=N and K is finite. In the network, a stream of Poisson arrivals choose which queue to join, after observing the current state of the system, and so as to minimize their own expected delay. We show that a user optimal policy exists, and that it possesses various monotonicity properties. In addition, we give examples where state-dependent routing mitigates the Downs-Thomson effect observed under probabilistic routing.


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