  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 林鍾沂博士


核心能力,為個人在執行某種特定工作時,以合理方式整合眾多重要知識、技術、能力,並與個人特質及自我概念相連結,具體展現於他人所見的有效行為。一種綜效的關鍵能力,所創造出的核心價值。 在公務人力資源界「核心能力」的概念受到廣泛的重視,政府建立核心能力的目的,無非是為提昇政府效率與國家競爭力。然而,細究其內容,這些核心能力的建構是從管理的構面及內容去做考量,比較強調行為面向。忽略了一些傳統的倫理、謹慎、仁愛等智慧性的概念。核心能力應有一種超越自我判斷之概念化、抽象化、思想性的參考點來造就中高階主管能力。故本研究最主要之研究目的在於探討中高階主管人員的核心能力應包括那些特質,除此之外,有無其他管理方策及達成的要徑,以提昇政施政能力及文官素質與效能,進而創造組織的競爭優勢,並透過國內外公私部門既存的能力模型之經驗,以為我國行政機關中高階主管人員核心能力特質建構之參考。 在研究設計方面,本研究方法係採用文獻文分析法、比較分析法及深度訪談法。先就各學者之立論,建構中高階主管人員所需之核心能力特質為誠實正直、前瞻創新、勝任專業能力、溝通協調和統合能力、倫理道德等,以為建構中高階主管人員之參考指標;另再以立意抽樣方式選出14位受訪者,透過具有實務經驗之中高階主管人員深度訪談,綜合分析中高階主管人員核心能力特質是否與本研究相符,企圖將中高階主管人員於執行核心業務時所需的核心能力特質具體建構出來。 經由相關理論、文獻探討以及實證訪談結果後,主要發現及建議如下: 一、中高階主管人員應備具之核心能力特質,大致可歸納為三大層面:第一為核心能力之特質,包含誠實正直、具前瞻創新、勝任專業能力、溝通協調統合、倫理道德及同理心;第二為管理方策,包含績效管理、領導能力及政策論述等;第三為達成之要徑,包括外語能力、職務輪調及訓練學習等。 二、本研究所探討之中高階主管人員核心能力特質、管理方策及達成要徑之項目,提供行政機關中高階主管人員核心能力之選項與訓練課程之設定之依據。 關鍵詞:核心能力、中高階主管


Core competency is during the execution of certain specific job by an individual, such person can make use of reasonable method to integrate multitudinous knowledge, technology, capability and can link up with personal characteristics and self concept and the effective behavior can be substantially showed to others to see. It is a kind of summing up the key capability to create the core value. In the public affairs manpower resource sector, the concept of 「core competency」 is broadly attended to. The purpose of establishing the core competency is nothing but to enhance the government efficiency and the competitive strength of the country. However, when its content is studied in detail, the structure of these core competencies is to conduct consideration from the management aspect and comparatively emphasize on the behavior. Some traditional morale and the intelligence concept of caution, kindheartedness are ignored. Core competency should have a kind of conceptual, abstract and thinking reference point that surpasses the self judgment to build up the ability of the medium high ranking staff. Therefore the main purpose of this research is to study what kind of characteristic should be included in the core competency of the medium high ranking heads. Apart from this, is there any other management decision and necessary path to achieve? This is to enhance the administration competency and the quality and efficiency of the civil servants. Further it can create the competitive advantage of the organization. In addition, through the experience of the competency model existed in domestic and overseas government and private enterprise, this can be the reference of building up the core competency characteristics of the middle-top executives of the administrative authority of our country. In respect of research design, this research method adopts literature analysis method, comparative analysis method and in-depth interview method. First based on the argumentation, this research establishes that the core competency characteristics of middle-top executives are honest and upright, visionary and innovative, has professional competency to take up the appointment, communication coordination and integration competency ethics and moral etc. This is to establish the reference indicator of middle-top executives Moreover, 14 persons are being interviewed based on determined random sampling method. Through in-depth interview with middle-top executives with practical experience, the comprehensive analysis is conducted on whether the core ability characteristics of the medium high ranking staff can conform to this research. This research attempts to establish substantially the core ability characteristics required in executing the core business by the middle-top executives. Through relevant theory, literature study and empirical study and interview, the main findings and suggestions are as follows: 1. In general, the core competency characteristics that the middle-top executives should have can be summarized into three aspects: First is the characteristics of core competency , including honesty and upright, has visionary and innovative, professional ability to take up the appointment, communication coordination and integration, ethics and moral and empathy. The second is management decision including performance management, leadership competency and policy discussion etc. The third is the essential path for achievement including foreign language competency, job rotation and training learning etc. Key word:Core competency, the middle-top executives 2. The study by this research is on the core competency characteristics of the middle-top executives, management decision and essential path of achievement that can be provided to the middle-top executives of the administration authority as the basis of selection of core competency of medium high ranking staff and the setting of training course.


黃 藿,1996,《理性、德行與幸福—亞里斯多德倫理學研究》。台北市:臺灣學生書局。


