  • 學位論文


A Study on Judicial Review of Administrative Remedy on the Area Unfair Labor Practice─Contrast with the Japanese Intention of Unfair Labor Practices

指導教授 : 陳春生


關於勞工團結權,攸關勞工權益之維護及改善,涉及人性尊嚴此一普世價值之實踐,應予保障;惟其團結權與雇主權益,關係微妙,工會發展有利於勞工自我實現,於其所屬雇主發展,有相輔相成之處;但亦非全無扞格,蓋團結權之保障往往建立在雇主自由的「限制」之上。當兩相衝突時,基於人性尊嚴絕對保障之必要,而勞工社經地位較諸雇主屬結構性弱勢,是唯有工會組織具有代表性及強大團結力,始能有效建構集體勞資關係,進而發揮集體協商功能,故而,原則上只有工會之行為確實偏離民主社會被普遍接受之準則時,才允許為保護雇主利益而對其進行限制。因此我國在二○一○年三讀通過工會法的修正,該法第三十五條中針對不當勞動行為加以類型化,對於過去不當勞動行為之處理模式,形成經由專業之行政單位審理之救濟方式。 本文乃係以文獻分析法作為研究方式,透過介紹我國以及日本之相關期刊、論文、專書、網路資料、報章雜誌等,以及不當勞動行為裁決委員會於行政院勞動部下之官方統計資料、法令規章,此外立法院之立法過程之紀錄等文獻資料,不當勞動行為制度以及法律規範之探討,分析其實務運作上所發生之問題點,並加以整理,尋求解決之方法。外國文獻上,特別係以日本勞動委員會實際運作上之統計以及厚生勞動省針對不當勞動行為事件,所為之調查與分析作為基準,並且輔以日本學者對於不當勞動行為事件處理上之利益得失觀點,比較台日雙方制度運行上之差異。 二○一一年開始運作之台灣新不當勞動行為之制度,兩年多中亦累積近一百五十件之不當勞動行為之受理案件數,惟相較於戰後即導入不當勞動行為制度之日本即將邁入第七十個年頭的操作經驗而言,雖我國與日本之制度設計並非完全一致,立法背景、法治體制亦有某種程度上之差異,日本在近七十年的實務經驗中所累積的判決、勞動委員會之救濟命令與學界的相關論述等,仍然對於台灣未趨成熟之不當勞動行為制度具有一定的參考價值及其影響力。故本文將以日本長久運作不當勞動行為之經驗作為我國現行制度上之參照,希冀對於將來我國制度發展、運作,甚至在修法方向上有所助益。


There are many kinds of unfair labor practices which refer to certain actions taken by employers to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of labor unions, including disadvantageous treatment, collective bargaining, yellow-dog contract, and so on. In Taiwan, Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes has been activated on the 1st of May 2011, the drastic change of overall content, which led to an unfortunate result of everlasting labor disputes in multiple occasions. The Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes took a reference from Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) of United States, updated with a chapter of ‘Decision’, expecting it could provide similar performance of recovering the right of those labors who fall victim rapidly. Yet, the regulation of Anti-ULP (Unfair Labor Practice) is set particularly aiming at capital, which shows well with a lack of integrity and fairness. Current level of administrative acts involve more extensively than before that handling cases are more likely to relate to reconciles of civil rights due to increasing of labor practices concerned. In addition, modern public affairs are more complicated that the scope of executive power enlarges intensively. It’s still questionable whether traditional judicial reviews toward administrative discretion are proper to deal with different situations caused by varied conditions and referred issues. Focusing on cases of Judicial Review of Administrative Remedy on the Area Unfair Labor Practice, this Article pays attention to the operation of method of proof, the explanation of application period, and the contents of order for relief. By observing judgments concerning personnel evaluation and disadvantageous treatment in Japan, this Article intends to review the relief procedures in Taiwan, and provides suggestion for administrative remedies through the Labor Commission in the future.




