  • 學位論文


The Influence of Parenting Behavior on Adolescents’ Depression and Deviant Behaviors under Chinese Cultural Parenting Beliefs.

指導教授 : 魏希聖


華人文化教養信念為華人社會的特色,大致分可為兩個面向,一是父母擔負照顧子女的責任,二是子女應該順從父母的義務,形成華人父母獨特的教養信念,而華人文化此種教養觀念造就了特定的教養行為。過去許多研究都清楚顯示父母對青少年子女的教養會影響其憂鬱或偏差行為,因此華人文化、教養行為對子女問題行為的效應值得探討。父母華人文化特性的教養信念對父母養育子女的具體教養行為有什麼樣的影響?而這些教養行為是否和青少年子女憂鬱及偏差行為有所關連?   本研究採用次級資料分析方法,使用「臺北縣少年生活狀況調查」資料庫,以臺北縣高中、職青少年及其家長為研究對象,配對後有效樣本為714份。研究結果發現如下:一、在華人文化教養信念對教養行為的部分,發現「父母責任」的教養信念越高,父母對青少年子女的「日常照顧」越多,「監督管教」的程度也越高。而「子女義務」的教養信念越高,「監督管教」的程度越低,「子女義務」與「日常照顧」則無直接的關聯。二、在教養行為和青少年問題行為的關係部分,結果發現父母對青少年子女的「日常照顧」越多,青少年「偏差行為」越少,然而「日常照顧」對青少年「憂鬱」無直接相關。另一方面,父母的「監督管教」越高,青少年「偏差行為」也越少,然而「監督管教」對青少年「憂鬱」無直接相關。根據這些結果,本研究提出數項實務建議,包括強化父母對子女的日常照顧、建立良好的監督管教策略、考量華人文化下的青少年家庭社會工作介入,以及重新省思華人文化家庭教養觀。


Chinese cultural parenting beliefs are the main characteristics of Chinese society, and it, in general, can be divided into two aspects. For one thing, parents should assume the responsibility of taking care of their children. For another, children should be obedient to their parents as an obligation. These two traits nurture unique parenting beliefs of Chinese parents, which, in turn, create specific parenting behaviors. Many studies in the past have clearly shown that parenting on teens will have an effect on whether they are depressed or deviated later when they grow up. Therefore, parenting behavior in Chinese culture on children with behavior problems worth exploring: 1. what’s the impact of Chinese cultural parenting beliefs on the specific parenting behaviors? 2. Whether these parenting behaviors are connected with adolescents who are depressed and have deviant behaviors? The study adopted secondary data analysis methods and utilized “Taipei Country Adolescent Living Conditions Survey” data. The research objects are Taipei Country high-school young people and their parents, and effective samples of 714 were obtained after pairing. Below are the findings. First, in the part of Chinese parenting beliefs and parenting behaviors, the more “Parental Responsibility” of parental beliefs of the parents, the more “Daily Care” and “Disciplining Supervision” on the adolescent children from their parents. It is also true that the higher degree of “Child Obligation” parenting beliefs accompanies with lower degree of “Disciplining Supervision”. “Child Obligation”, however, has no direct correlation with “Daily Care”. Second, in the part of the relationship of parenting behavior and adolescent problem behaviors, results show that the more “Routine Care” on their adolescent children, the less “Deviant behaviors” they will have. But “Routine Care” is not directly related to the adolescents’ “depression”. Besides, the more “Disciplining Supervision” that parents imposes, the less “Deviant behaviors” that adolescents will have. But “Disciplining Supervision” is not directly related to the adolescents’ “depression”. Based on the findings, the study proposes a number of practical recommendations: the strengthening of the daily care on their children, building up a sound supervision strategy, getting social work involved in the youth culture of Chinese families, as well as reviewing Chinese culture parenting concept.


