  • 學位論文


The Study of Urban Criminal Space with Social Security Concerned Map

指導教授 : 郭肇立


近年來犯罪學的研究上揭開了犯罪熱點的討論,說明著犯罪地點具有群聚的現象,然而民眾對於治安的顧慮並非僅來自於犯罪事件的發生,單就犯罪熱點的治安預防措略,改善民眾對治安的觀感有限,且當民眾對治安的顧慮越形惡化時,將可能導致更難以收拾之治安問題。而在治安顧慮的討論,以往皆是以人或建物為研究對象,鮮有空間上的討論,故本研究將以空間為研究對象,了解其與民眾對治安顧慮之關聯性。 本研究運用地理資訊系統,採用台北市政府警察局所公布之2009年1-12月治安顧慮地點,將各地點外圍依序劃設20m、50m、100m、150m、200m等五範圍並加以給分,用以繪製治安顧慮地圖,藉此可得知治安顧慮高分區之分佈範圍。用以釐清派出所、監視錄影系統在治安顧慮的成效,並探討治安顧慮地圖與都市空間的關聯性。 研究發現,特定營業項目、鄰近學校之地區、鄰近公園綠地之地區、鄰近商業區之住宅區、道路交叉口等五類為治安顧慮地點之主要類型。但分佈於公園綠地、學校周邊之治安顧慮大多是單獨存在,雖然此類型地區易導致民眾產生治安顧慮,但其面積的擴散上並不大。大面積的治安顧慮範圍主要是分佈單一性的土地使用類型,此外,當人口密度越大時,設置必要、足夠的鄰里性公共空間,其治安顧慮分數有明顯較低的現象。但是派出所的設置,並不因此而降低民眾對治安的顧慮。


Because of the influence from mass media, people have steadily increased their subjective feelings on worsening social security. In recent years, the studies of criminology reveal the discussion on crime hot spots. The discussion indicates crime scenes have clustering phenomenon. However, people’s fears on social security do not just result from crimes themselves. Measures of prevention at crime hot spots are not effective enough to change people’s feelings on social security. Moreover, when people have worsening feelings on social security, this may cause more difficulties on social security problems. Therefore, this thesis focuses on drawing a social security concerned map which people have misgivings on social security. It is expected to improve people’s feelings on worsening social security. This thesis discusses the correlation between social security concerned map and urban space. To draw this social security concerned map, this thesis adopts the data released by Taipei City Police Department in the year of 2009 on the places where people have misgivings on social security. This map delimits every location in order into five ranges, 20m, 50m, 100m, 150m, and 200m to grade them. The differences in between are that crime hot spots are the places where crimes may easily happen or have happened, and social security concerned map covers the places where criminal cases may easily happen and where people worry about their living environment. This study finds out five main types of locations where have social security concerned, including 1) businesses with special items, 2) areas neighboring school, 3) areas neighboring parks, 4) residential areas neighboring business areas, and 5) crossroads. Most parks and areas neighboring schools exist independently. Although these two types of locations may easily cause people’s misgivings about social security, the spread and changes of these locations are not easy. Although misgivings on social security belong to the problems of personal consciousness, this study finds out the settlement of open space and the uses of land have very significant correlation with each other. It is necessary to set up enough open space in the neighborhood or community which can bring sense of security to residents while the density of population is increasing. Besides, people’s consciousness on worsening social security would not be improved just because of the location of police department’s offices.


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