  • 學位論文


Optical Characteristics of Dot-microstructure on LGP of LCD Backlight Module

指導教授 : 孫書煌


目前光電產業在液晶顯示器的亮度與節能及重量,厚度要求逐漸提高及變輕,變薄的要求下,傳統式的冷陰極燈管做為發光源的背光模組,已無法有效達到市場上的需求,在未來以亮度、節能及薄形化的市場需求下面板廠商,持續開發以LED(發光二極體)為發光源的筆記型電子、桌上型監視器、液晶電視,以筆記型電腦為例目前導光板已經開發出LED(發光二極體)用的平板導光板,但是因應各種尺寸大小不一樣所使用的LED數量也就不同,相對的如何增加LED背光模組的輝度、均齊度以及因LED做為發光源所產生的問題點已成為未來改善的趨勢。目前關於LCD背光模組導光板網點微結構設計對於影響背光模組的畫面及輝度、均齊度方面,大都集中於專利的申請,因此無法藉由學理性的研究做有系統的分析及設計經驗累積,再加上影響背光模組光學輝度之參數很多,運用傳統的實驗分析方法無法一次對所有的影響參數作分析比較。本文主要是改變導光板之網點微結構,藉光學原理結合光學模擬軟體,用比較能夠改善LED背光模組畫面的方法進行設計與改善,以改善因LED做為背光模組發光源問題且能夠增加輝度及均齊度。 經由實驗結果得知,主要影響導光板區域I及區域II輝度值之製程參數,均為網點半徑大小。區域I網點半徑越大,光會越集中於光源前方。因此在作背光模組區域I之輝度值控制,可針對網點半徑及網點至網點中心距離作調整。區域II位於導光板中間,可針對網點半徑進行控制。而區域III之輝度值控制,可針對網點至網點中心距離作調整。將導光板區域I的網點密度降低,使光可以從導光板的入光側射入,經過反射後可到達導光板的後半部,並將導光板後半部的網點密度增大,使導光板後方的反射率增加,由此可得到較佳的輝度分佈。


It (Display Industry) is aimed to improve the weight & thickness in response to the demand from current market due to the Conventional BKL Module (which is utilizing CCFL as the source of light) is failed to meet the need for popular.BKL Module Supplier is eager to develop all kinds of type (Such as Notebook, Monitor, TV) under the request like brightness, power saving & further portable.Take Notebook for instance, it is available for having LGP for LED type however the LED will also recollect in accordance with the differ size of Notebook. The trend in the future is to improve the brightness on BKL Module which is taking the formula of LED.The current study is focus on the patent application for the LGP micro pattern design (On BKL Module) to the effect on brightness & even over BKL Module. Therefore it is failed to use the old school analysis to evaluate all parameters which might effect the whole object due to the unavailable system & design on learning research along with the multiple parameters on BKL Module.The chapter is to revise the micro pattern design and get along with optical simulation software in improving LED BKL Module design to increase the brightness & even over BKL Module in the term of LED type.The radius of pattern has great influence on the brightness over areaI & area II (The knowledge is getting via experiments. The greater radius on area I come with more concentration in the front of light. In making BKL Module, It (Area I) could be managed the radius of pattern & the distance between pattern the center of pattern.Area II is located in the center of LGP and could be controlled via theradius of pattern. By dealing the distance between pattern & the center of pattern, the brightness of Area III could be expected as good as expectation.The rate of reflection behind LGP could reach much further even by lower the thickness (In Area I) of pattern on LGP (The light could be guided into LGP). The light could be reflected to the back of the LGP with such movement.


LCD LGP Dot Micro structure Uniformity Brightness


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