  • 學位論文


Indicated Microorganisms of Biological System in Feng Shan Si Wastewater Treatment Plant

指導教授 : 童淑珠


本研究的廠址位於高雄市鳳山溪污水處理廠,研究內容主要是針對生物處理系統滴濾池與固體接觸池(trickling filter/solids contact)串聯系統進行微生物菌相的觀察。研究採樣時間於99年1月至12月,每星期進行3-5次BOD5、COD、SS、DO、水溫、pH一般性水質分析,每星期1次大腸桿菌群、SVI、MLSS、MLVSS檢測及1-2次固體接觸池及滴濾池微生物相取樣觀察。 觀察結果滴濾池生物處理單元以原生動物累枝蟲(Epistylis屬)出現頻率最高,數目達100-200以上,較差的時間在3、7-8月間,累枝蟲數量低於100以下。其次為轉輪蟲、旋輪蟲;轉輪蟲每個月份皆可發現,3、7、9月數量最少為100隻以下,其他月份都有101-200個數以上,旋輪蟲除8月沒發現其他月份都有出現,大量輪蟲出現表示處理系統中水質佳,由初步沉澱池BOD5處理效能月平均值46 mg/L經生物處理系統BOD5值降至9 mg/L可見。滴濾池一整年中1、4-6、10-12月的原生動物與後生動物相最豐富,最差的月份為3月,此階段遇滴濾池運轉時數調整,本月分微生物族群只發現4種;且數量都於100以下。 固體接觸池單元,以自由游動型的楯纖蟲出現數量與頻率最高,每個月份皆可發現,1、4-6、10月份數量高達201以上,2、8-9、10-12月居次為101-200,3、7月100以下。其次為有柄纖毛蟲類--鐘形蟲,每個月皆有出現,4、6、10月數量最大達201以上,3月100以下,其餘月份101-200;4-5月及9-10月,此期間固體接觸池因滴濾池生物膜剝落,水樣中可觀察到許多原生動物如累枝蟲及後生動物狹甲輪蟲,最多可同時觀察到7種以上之生物族群。一整年的原生動物與後生動物相最豐富的月份為1、4-5、10-12月,最差的月份為3月。3月份出流水質BOD5為9 mg/L,COD為21.6 mg/L,雖達放流水標準,但兩指標皆為全年最高。此外2-3、6-7月時發現少量漫游蟲出現,數量在100以下,出現於活性污泥活性較差到恢復期,比照生物處理系統BOD5去除率月平均值在3月間63.4 %為最差,與2月份平均去除率77.1 %落差有13.7 %,四月份以後又恢復到75 %以上。


This study site is located in the wastewater treatment plant in Kaohsiung Fengshan city. The research mainly focuses on observing the microorganisms in the trickling filter biological treatment system and the solid contact tank series system. The span of sampling is from January to December in 2010. The analysis of the BOD, the COD, the SS, the DO, water temperature and pH general water quality is made 3-5 times per week. The detection of coliform, SVI, the MLSS and the MLVSS is made 1 time per week. The observation of the microorganism samples from the solid contact tank and the trickling filter is made 1-2 times per week. The observations of the trickling filter biological treatment system show that the protozoan, Epistylis, has the highest appearance frequency, more than 100-200. It has a lower appearance frequency in March, July and August, when the number of protozoa is less than 100. Besides, transfer rotifers and spin rotifers have the second highest appearance frequency. Transfer rotifers can be found in each March, July and September, and the number of them is at least 100, more than 101-200 in the other months. Spin rotifers can be found in every month except August. The water quality in the treatment system can be good with a large number of rotifers, which is shown by the monthly average of the BOD in preliminary sedimentation decreasing from 46mg/L to 9mg/L through the biological treatment system. The protozoa and metazoan in the trickling filter are the most abundant in January, from April to June and from October to December throughout the year. The number of protozoa and metazoan is the smallest in March, when the operation hour of the trickling filter is adjusted, and only four kinds of microbial populations can be found with the number less than 100. The observations of the solid contact tank show that the free-swimming type of Aspidisca has the highest appearance frequency. It can be found in each month. The number of them is up to 201 in January, from April to June and in October. The smaller number of them appearing in February, August, September and from October to December is 101-200. The smallest number of them appearing in March and July is less than 100. The stalk ciliate, Vorticella, has the second highest appearance frequency, and it can be found in every month. The largest number of Vorticellas appearing in April, June and October is more than 201. The number of them is less than 100 in March. And the number of them is 101-200 in the other months. From April to May and from September to October, because of the biofilm peeling in the trickling filter, many protozoa, such as Epistylis, and metazoan, such as Colurella, can be observed in the water samples from the solid contact tank, and even more than seven kinds of biological populations can be found at the same time. The protozoa and metazoan in the solid contact tank are the most abundant in January, April, May and from October to December. The smallest number of them is in March. The BOD of effluent water in March is 9mg/L, and the COD is 21.6mg/L. Although both the BOD and the COD in March meet the effluent standard, they are both the highest throughout the whole year. In addition, a small number of Litonotus can be found from February to March and from June to July, when the number of them is less than 100 and they have the poorer activity to the recovery period in the activated sludge. Compared to the biological treatment system, the monthly average of BOD removal efficiency in March is 63.4 percent, lower to that in February, 77.1 percent, by 13.7 percent. And it is restored to more than 75 percent after April.


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