  • 學位論文


The Research of Information Feedback System Used in Tourism After the End

指導教授 : 張耘之


觀光產業是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪工業,與科技產業共同被視為是21世紀的明星產業,在創造就業機會及賺取外匯的功能上具有明顯效益。當大眾開始注意觀光旅遊的同時,相關推廣問題也隨之而生,且遇到了目前國內旅遊次數與消費整體下滑的現象,而如何透過有效的方式提升旅遊產業的價值與成長;在經過文獻的探討後發現,與旅遊產業同樣並駕於文化創意產業之一的設計產業,具有豐富其他文化或產業的特性,尤其當中的數位內容產業,特性相當適合用於觀光產業;而在了解科技趨勢後發現,手持式智慧裝置的興起,讓該設備用於旅遊與數位內容之間顯的理所當然,因此本研究之概念將來自於旅遊、設計與手持式裝置三個主要元素。 就在找出能輔助旅遊產業的方式之後,本研究提出應用於「旅遊後」時期之概念;透過手持行動裝置與GPS之技術,加上資訊回饋的系統建構,藉此提升遊客遊玩後對於旅遊的回憶與愉悅感的提升,本研究透過訪談法來了解資訊回饋系統應用於旅遊後的建構之效益與可能性,並將專家意見作為後續研究的建議與方向。


旅遊 數位內容 資訊回饋 手持式裝置 GPS


The tourism industry is appreciated as a non-smokestack industry by countries around the world; the high technology industry and tourism are viewed as two star industries in the 21st Century that have significant effectiveness in creating job opportunities and earning foreign reserve. The public is now paying greater attention to the development of the tourism industry; meanwhile, relevant problems for the promotion of tourism are also arising. In particular, when there are a decreased number of domestic trips and weaker consumer power, determining how to effectively promote the value and growth of tourism industry becomes an urgent issue for consideration. A literature review also indicates that the importance of one particular cultural industry, namely the design industry with its rich cultural and industrial characteristics, cannot be neglected. Digital content industry, especially, possesses the suitable features that match the development of the tourism industry. After obtaining a greater understanding of the development trend of technology, along with the introduction of mobile devices to the market, one may take for granted the application of digital content to the tourism industry; therefore, this research adopts its key concepts from three major elements: tourism, design and mobile devices. After identifying a supplementary method for the tourism industry, this study proposes the concept of “post tourism”; through the incorporation of mobile devices and GPS technology, an information feedback system is constructed to improve feedback and enhance the tourism experience of visitors. This study also conducts interviews to better understand the effectiveness and feasibility of employing a feedback system application following the tourists’ experiences. Expert opinions provide suggestions and directions for future studies.


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